Thursday, June 8, 2023

A "Catch-Up" From Marti

 Hi everyone!  I know I've (we've) been neglectful of BBBLL and all we can do is apologize.  This set of photos gets you up-to-date on what posted on Tumblr since our last post here.  These are all photos of me.  Many of these have been posted here before but some haven't.  There was very little story telling to the photos when posted on Tumblr so I'd rather just post the photos here without text to each one.  But at least it gets you caught up with the pictures.

No excuses for our absence here; there's just a lot going on and it's easier to post a photo with a few words to Tumblr than to give you the stories you expect here.  I do still want to get back to the story telling and daily updates here.

The biggest bit of news is sad: my ex-husband (not Daniel but my first husband) and Michelle's father passed away at 78 years old.  I was not close to him but had some communications through Michelle.  Michelle was also a bit estranged from him but she's sad nonetheless.  There's also been some melodrama at Studio M; some of the ladies objected to Emily being brought into the new M+N branch of the studio while others weren't.  Emily, of course, was upset and volunteered to move back to the original Studio M, but Dana and Elaine wouldn't hear of it.  But they did manage to get approval from headquarters for additional incentives for the ladies of studio M and a  path to M+N for those who want it.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed this "catch up."  I'm thinking things will start to get back to normal next week.


Marti (OYO)