Monday, October 31, 2022

Sometimes the Anticipation Is Too Much

 Today, Halloween, of course, is a kind of a day off here at Studio M.  We've got a couple of photo shoots this morning but most of the models are having a three day weekend.  The office, which includes me (Dana), is open with some taking a vacation day.  So it's a catch-up paperwork day for me and others, at least until 2:00 when we're closing to get ready for our Halloween party.  I can't wait to see what some of these ladies wear, especially Marti.

So anyway, this post is photos of anticipation of Marti's nipples.  I had to lead with this one on top because it's me with her left breast and nipple.  I'm very visually stimulated and there's nothing more stimulating to me than Marti's tits.  Here's a few more "anticipatory" photos with some of the rest of us about to enjoy Marti's treasures:

But then sometimes you just have to suck the hell out of them:

Happy Halloween everyone!

Oh, and yes, a few of the ladies are spending the morning hoping to get The Ladies of M blog up and running.  I don't think they'll make their deadline of tomorrow, but we'll see.


(I should mention that these photos were previously posted here.)

Sunday, October 30, 2022

Roxy's Legs Strike Again

Are you getting tired of seeing my legs yet?  Yeah, it's Roxy again.  I would like to hear your feedback on this photo though.  I rejected it because I thought it made my legs look, somehow, too strong.  I guess it's the heels in conjunction with the pose.  So what do you think?

Emily is doing most of the work to get the new private blog going, but I was tasked with establishing the name.  We appreciate all of your input on this and your creativity.  "Muskatitters" was popular with some of you as it is with some of us, except it leaves out those of us who prefer to show our legs.  So Emily, of course, added "Legsalots" to it (get it? like Lancelot or Legolas).  We also tossed around your suggestions of imagery and alliteration.  However, in the end, we decided for a simple title akin to many of your suggestions: The Ladies of Studio M.  The website will be  Don't go there yet.  First we haven't sent out invitations which will be required for this private blog.  (Remember, you must send us a couple of comments here then email Emily at emmilyinparadise at gmail.  Make sure you put two m's in emmily.  Be sure to tell us in your email what your screen name is as "Unknowns" will not be invited.)  Second, there's nothing there.  We hope to work on it Monday and Tuesday though we do have our Studio M Halloween party Monday night.

Thanks to everyone who has emailed us so far.  This site, Massive Mammaries, Great Gams, Beautiful Blows will continue as it is.  The new site will have more photos of more ladies but not as much text.  A few spots remain; we hope to hear from you!

Friday, October 28, 2022

Dana's Legs and an Update

 OK, yeah, those are my (Dana's) legs that our resident goofball Emily took of me when I was trying to catch a break at the Studio.  You may have noticed that my legs have firmed up a bit - we've hired (did someone mention this already?) a wellness manager to help keep us healthy and in shape and, being the "executive director" (I got a promotion) here at Studio M I tried to set an example by using her (the wellness manager's) services on a regular basis.  Let's face it, our job is to project beauty and sexiness and, while we don't want a bunch of muscle-bound women, being in a healthy shape - from Kaatje, our thinnest girl, to July, our heaviest - is vital and Marti sets the example.  I mean, she's incredibly fit for a 72-year-old woman and she serves as an example to us all.

With my promotion I was able to talk the board into letting me promote two members of our team to general manager: Lin is now the general manager for our female talent (the core of the business) and talent and office support while Deke is general manager for the physical sites and male talent.  Our dear friend, Big Eddie, was struggling to manage his people in his position as set manager and I was worried about him, but Deke mentored him and worked with him and things have gotten much better so we're happily keeping him on.

Studio M is growing like mad; I have a ratio of 3:2, meaning for every three full time models I need two background employees, be they writers or makeup/costume or set designs or stagehands or photographers, etc.  This huge main building is filling up fast: I won't go with this open office design even though headquarters wishes I would.  We lost a couple of smaller buildings in the hurricane and, as one of my now biggest blunders, I sold our huge warehouse building because I didn't think it fit what we were doing.  We're building physical structure as fast as we can but we're not keeping up with hiring.  I guess that's a good problem.

So I wanted to spill all this before Marti gets back so you'll have a feeling for what is going on here.  I'm hoping a lot of the focus will be on her for awhile!

Missing Marti

 God, I miss Marti - we all do.  She's been gone since she left to be with Uncle Chris (no, he's not my real uncle, but we all call him "Uncle") some two weeks ago but it seems like months.  She's the heart of life for so many of us that having her not here just puts a pall over everything.  It's almost like we need her to breathe.  Ah, but it's all over tomorrow!  Poor thing won't stand a chance as we all yearn for her and her body.  Like I said, our heart will be back with us!

This photo captures some of Marti's attitude of life, something that pervades us all.  She's just chillin' a bit here but is teasing - no, not teasing, beckoning is better - beckoning us to come and enjoy her tits.  That little smile on her face says it all as she offers us her treasures by using her arms to push them up and out, almost to the point that they cover her face.  And those nipples!  Oh my God!  So big and thick!

I know it's been said here several times, but it is so damn hot how she separates her tits from herself as if they were living things all unto themselves and it was her responsibility - and great good fortune! - to carry them around, take care of them, and show them off.  She has no pretense at all and just wants to share.  She has been a miracle to my life and so many others.  We love her dearly!


Thursday, October 27, 2022

The Third Muskatitter

 And the third Muskatitter is. . . Willow!  I like this photo of her posing just off Fuck Marti island (you long-time followers will remember that island!) because it shows off her slim-and-hugely-stacked figure and because, well, I love seeing the large cup size of that bathing suit top next to her think waist.  Whereas it might be possible to define Willow physically (slim-and-stacked works well as does beautiful), I bet if I asked the ladies on this site to describe her personally with just one word I just might not get the same word twice: mysterious, sultry, quiet, intense, contemplative, wistful, provocative, etc., all come to mind.  I guess you'll just have to continue taking this ride with us to better understand her yourself.

On another topic, I and all the other ladies here at MMBBGG want to sincerely thank all of you who are writing comments for us here lately.  We love it!  That's why we do this blog - and the new one when we kick it off.  You make us all quite happy!  Please keep it up.  And don't forget to email me if you're interested in joining our soon-to-be private blog.  Be sure to include your site name (like TheMaskedHillbilly or Feelgood, et. al.) on your email!  If you've written and haven't heard from me by the end of the day today it just might be because you didn't give us your site name and we don't recognize you by your email.  My email is emmilyinparadise (two m's) at gmail.  And also thanks to those of you who have sent suggestions for a name of our new site.  We're mulling it over.  Marti is still out of town and won't be back until Sunday just in time for the Studio M Halloween party on Monday!  So we may be a day or two late kicking off the new site, but hopefully we'll make the November 1 date we set for ourselves.


Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Vera, The Second Muskatitter

 "The Three Muskatitters?"  Emily, you're such as rascal - and a fantastic lover!  Hi guys, Vera writing - and I guess I'm the second Muskatitter.  I will echo what Maria said in her last post: to be grouped with Maria and Willow is a fabulous compliment!  Maria did kinda rearrange Willow's and my birthdays: I was born in 1990 and Willow in 1991 - just for the record.  (Maria corrected it on her post.)

Hope you enjoy this, my latest post!


Sunday, October 23, 2022

A Beautiful Day

Those are my, Marti's, legs in the photo.  I'm sitting on a swing hanging from a limb of a large live oak which stands beside one of the ponds on our property.

It's a beautiful fall day here in south Georgia and a beautiful day for happy hearts: Chris looks like he's going to make it through this!  Ruthie, Rose, and I were with him Thursday evening so Becca and Zin could go back to their hotel, get some dinner, and gets showers before coming back to the hospital.  I was holding Chris'x right hand; Rose, his left hand.  Ruthie was rubbing his feet.  Slowly and unexpectedly he opened his eyes, looking first at me, then at Rose, and lastly at Ruthie.  He said slowly and just above a whisper: "Is this heaven?"  I said through a smile and growing tears of happiness: "If you believe having three sexy, busty women caring for you is heaven, then, yes, it is!"  Rose and Ruthie threw their arms around him while I paged the nurse who quickly arrived.  By the time the doctor arrived I had talked to Becca who screamed with happiness; they arrived while the doctor was in the room.

Chris slowly improved Friday and even more Saturady, so much so that Michelle and Maria went back to our home.  The doctor wants to monitor him for a few days and will perhaps release him on Tuesday.  Chris is up walking the hallways with one of us rolling his harness with his saline bag dangling.  Ruthie has gotten a flight to go back to Vermont Monday; Becca and Zin will stay with him at least another week or two.  Rose and I will, . . . well. . .

I'll let you know in my next post.


Legs, Ass, and New Site News

Hi, it's Emily again.  Hope you don't mind another pic of me, but at least this time I'm giving you a little variety by showing my legs and ass (kinda).  As Dana said of me before this photo shoot: "Only Emily would want to be photographed in a storage room."

And, yes, this is also another reminder to those of you who would like to join our 100% FREE private site: there's still time and spots open to join us there.  To join all you have to do is leave us a couple of hot comments on this site and to email me your request at (remember there are two "m's"in my email name - not just one as in my real name).  All emails will be kept private and we will not publish any email addresses.  MMGGBB will continue as is so you won't be missing us if you don't join our new private site.  The new site will have more photos and animated gifs but with less text.  We will show some things we don't often show here such as ass pics and full body photos though in an R-rated way.  More of the ladies of Studio M will join us there, too!  We are thinking about moving all X-rated photos to a third site.  We'll see.

We still haven't decided on a name for the new site so for those of you who have already emailed us you will soon get a second email with the site name.  I think we have emailed all of you who requested to join the new site; if we haven't, let us know.  We hope to have the new site up by November 1.

Again, please post some comments at this site then email me to request admission to the new private site.  That will also get you into a new X-rated site if we decide to set it up.


Emily (

Saturday, October 22, 2022

Then There's That Body!

 Hi all.  It's Dana writing about Emily (pictured).  In her relatively short time with us Emily is the most productive model at Studio M and is second only to Marti in terms of income generation, not counting Michelle whose earnings come from her special form of escort services.  (Marti makes substantially more for a video/photo shoot than any of our ladies.)  I recently moved Emily from Lin as her photographer/agent/manager and gave that duty to Maria as Maria no longer needs to manage Michelle.  Maria quickly learned what we've all come to know about Emily: she is a natural.  She is a great model though she's never been formally trained.  She's a fantastic actress though she had never acted until she joined us.  She's a joy to work with, always quick with a joke (usually self deprecating), a laugh, and a smile.  The production staff loves her; we love her - hell, everybody loves her!

And then, of course, there's that body!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Sad Times

 Sad times.  Sad times indeed.

He often said he was now finally living the best times of his life.  And in that we all take solace.

I'm talking about Mom's brother, my uncle: Christian.  Maybe he won't live the night or maybe just another couple of days.  It was all so sudden.  And now it's almost over.

Mom, Becca (Chris's daughter), and Zin (his granddaughter) have already gotten up to rural south Georgia.  Roxy, Maria and I are going up in the morning and Ruthie is flying down from Vermont and Josie, his and Mom's niece, will also arrive tomorrow.  He just seemed so alive and active - and then he wasn't.

His other sister, Mary, is a bit of a complication.  She is very sweet and extraordinarily funny but she is also very religious and wouldn't agree with our lifestyle at all - be it porn or be it lesbianism.  She knows about Josie's choosing the profession and the two of them didn't talk for 9 years.  But Mary's decided if she ever wants to see her daughter again she must accept what Josie's doing for a living - but Josie isn't doing lesbian flicks, just male/female - accept but not like.  Marti had a long talk with Mary when she got to Georgia to explain that she is married to Roxy and I to Maria.  We thought that would be enough of a shock to Mary without going into all the porn.  Not now, anyway.

So wish us the best over the next week.  You'll still have lots of our ladies to show off for you: Emily, Vera, Willow, July, Mandy, Risa, Chelsea, and maybe even some of our new ladies.

And please remember if you want to join our new blog which will have many more pictures to make a comment or two on this blog and send us a request to be invited.  We haven't replied to the requests we've gotten so far but will soon.  That's on Emily's plate.

We love you,


Maria Feeding Emily Her Own Tits

 I (Emily) had just come home from the grocery store when Maria - naughty Sicilian that she is - came up behind me, lifted my top up over my boobs and pulled down my bandeau bra and fed me my nipples.  A few of the other ladies finished unpacking my car and putting away the groceries as others watched Maria feed me my own tits.  I have to admit I really got into both the attention and the feel of my nipples in my mouth and my tongue swirling them about.  And Maria, never one to do things a little at a time, fed me for over two hours!

I didn't mind a bit!! 😉😗

July in ( and out of) Baby Blue

 Hey guys, it's July and here's a photo of me fooling around with some of the gals before one of my poolside photo shoots.  I like my somewhat slimmed-down shape while still qualifying as a BBW.  I certainly feel sexier than ever and, I have to admit, having all those people staring at my body as I pose really turns me on.  Even though I have always been lesbian, I am seriously considering doing some girl/guy stuff.  I mean, it looks like fun?!

Saturday, October 15, 2022

Roxy's Legs and Action

 I (Roxy) am interrupting this "Battle of the Muskatitters" to show off my legs a little.  Most of my time spent at Studio M is either writing scripts or or discussing plots with Lin and Maria as movie directors.  Every now and then, though, I get to spend some time in front of the cameras.  Here I'm about to start a leg and body solo photoshoot with Maria in charge.  It's always so much fun and so exciting to model especially for such awesome and professional photographers as Lin and Maria.  The shoot took up most of the morning.

In the afternoon and a bit into the evening I then got to act in a movie of my own writing.  There were three of us ladies in the video as the only cast members: Marti as the grandmother; Lacy as her daughter; myself as Lacy's daughter, Marti's granddaughter.  In the script Lacy and I have just taken Marti home after a long stay in the hospital.  Lacy and I are relieved and happy to be bringing Marti home and emotions run deep after her scare.  Marti's character, being vain - like Marti really is - insisted on wearing a short skirt and sexy top home from the hospital and my character, being a horny 20-something can't help but notice her body.  Finally, Marti wants to shower and I insist on helping her.  Sexual tensions mount when Marti strips and faces me cameras attentive to her huge breasts and giant nipples.  I insist on helping her shower and our emotions of the day heighten our mutual attractions and, well, you know what happens.  Lacy eventually joins in and Marti's tits and nipples get lots of attention and we gets lots of milk and an amazing squirting pussy.

Ah yes.  It was a wonderful day!

The First "Muskatitter"


Oh, mia cara Emilia.  "The Three 'Muskatitters?'"  Really?  But it is all good because you group me in with Misses Vera and Willow, two very lovely and sexy ladies who are 9 and 10 years younger than I.  I will take it.

Oh, and, , that is I, Maria, in the photo!

Fino alla prossima volta!

Friday, October 14, 2022

Emily at the Beach, Continued

 Here's another shot of me (Emily) at the beach this time with my top raised over my boobs.

Just as a side: have you noticed the similarities of Maria, Willow, and Vera?  All three slim-and-stacked raven-haired beauties.  You know me, always given people crazy names, so I have labelled the three of those ladies together as The Three Musketitters.  Stupid, I know, but fun.

I think someone here told you that Kaatje is putting together quite a large spreadsheet with descriptions of all of us ladies here at Studio M - 47 sexy women!  I am reducing her listings to just some basic info of all 47 (and growing) of us.  Should post it here in the next day or so.

And speaking of those 47 - all have agreed to pose for our new on-line addition to this site!  Again, it is by invitation only and the requirements are that you have to post at least 2 comments here and you have to email me at (note the 2 "m's" in emmily!) requesting to be added.  I hope to send a brief confirmation today to those of you who have already emailed me.  Spaces at the new site are limited so email us soon!  If you've emailed us and I haven't responded to you by the end of today then you should email us again remembering my email has those 2 m's in Emily instead of one.

Oh, and thanks to all of you who have commented lately.  It's awesome to see more of you writing us!!!  💖😘

Thursday, October 13, 2022

Vera from the Front

After Emily posted a pic of me in a gown facing away from the camera, one of you said something about seeing me from the front.  So here's a photo of me (top one) from the same photo session as the previous one showing my legs..  The second photo is from a different session showing my DDD's.  Hope you enjoy them!


Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Sultry Willow and a Reminder

 The sexy, sultry lady in this photo is Willow and this is Emily writing.  Willow's erotic modelling and mild girl/girl acting have sent her career from 0 to 100 probably quicker than any of us.  Her mysteriousness and seriousness and quietness adds to her allure.  Our management (Dana and corporate) is really wanting her to do some porn, but she's resisted and as our business model relies on our models/actresses to do what's comfortable for this to do, Willow hasn't been pushed to do porn.  One day recently she had a meeting with Lin, her agent, and Dana and told them she was ready to do a porn movie under a few conditions.  First that it would be a plotted movie and not what we call a "flick" (just sex) and that Roxy would write it.  The second was that her male costars would be Deke, Harry, and Big Eddie - guys she was comfortable with.  So Willow and Roxy (who herself is very busy with script writing) have been working secretly to plot and write this movie.  In the meantime, Willow has been quietly coy with those three guys, quietly showing off her fabulous body to them and kissing them - and she's one hell of a great kisser.  They are going to be so hot for her by the time filming starts!

OK, now a reminder: if you want to be included in our new pictures-mostly, by invitation only blog you'll need to make at least 2 comments here this month and sending me an email to requesting to be added.  Our blogging site allows only a limited number of members to a private site so don't wait too long.  Pretty much all the 44 Studio M ladies will post photos on the private site including all the ones here at MMGGBB.  Speaking of MMGGBB, we will continue to publish it as we have for years so those of you who don't want to join the new site won't see this site diminish.  Over the next few days we will email all of you who have asked to join the new site to acknowledge you.  We will start the new blog on or around Halloween.

Lastly, wait to you read and see Michelle's upcoming post.  HOT AS FUCK!

Monday, October 10, 2022

From Marti to Zin

 To my grandniece, Zin.  Happy birthday and congratulations on your promotion to sexual goddess.  When you're done celebrating, my body is all yours!

Marti (OYO)

Emily's Musings on Zin

 Firstly, that's me (Emily) in the photo and not our birthday girl, Zin, but I posted this to show Ms. Zin what her birthday present is from me - I hope you have as much fun unwrapping it and using it as I will have watching - and feeling - you do it!  I hope you're VERY hungry!

Also, I am very happy that I will be your costar in your first video now that you're returning to video.  I can't wait to find out who the woman in you will be!

Happy 20th Zin!

Happy 20th birthday to the youngest of our extended family - Zin (pictured, of course).  When she - and her Mom Becca) - first joined us in late summer 2021 and began her modelling career at Studio M she was highly energetic and excitable but a bit immature in her sexuality.  She wanted to be so good in her career that she tried to be someone she wasn't.  One of my requirements for female talent is pretty simple:  first, just be Don't act; don't model; just be.  Zin was terrible about overacting, something common in porn.  She would try to become her character rather than letting her character come from her.  That was why we made the tough decision to take her out of porn and put her into erotic modelling to give her time to discover the Zin with whom she would be most confident.   We had planned to keep her there until she was 21, but he has come a long, long way and, in talking about her with Lin, Maria and Marti we decided she was ready now.  And, damn, doesn't that body look ready to you!?  As a 20-year-old her breasts are still growing - she's now an H cup - even as the rest of her body loses the last of her baby fat and she firms up.

We're all curious about how she will grow into the part of herself who wants to bring out in acting and modelling.


Saturday, October 8, 2022

July's Rear View

Since Vera gave you (via Emily) a rear view of herself, I thought  I would, too.  This is July writiing and those are my legs (and ass).

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Trying to Reward Those of You Who Comment Here

 Marti has written several times that the cost of keeping this site going and our commitment to it is, quite simply, you guys leaving us comments.  Unfortunately, of the many hundreds or thousands of visitors we get here there really are very few who leave those cherished comments.  So once again we're thinking of ways to repay those of you who comment and keep us feeling great about running this site.  We've all talked about this and are pretty evenly split between two solutions.  The first is to go to a pay site: if you're willing to pay something (no, we wouldn't charge much) then that tells us how much you appreciate what we do and we'll move everything there.  The second way, and what Marti prefers and her vote carries extra weight, is that we again try to set up a private version of this site while keeping this one going.  By private we mean by invitation only.  At a new blogspot (yes, still free but limited to some 80 of you) we would mostly post pictures not available here without too much story (posting pics is easy; posting stories isn't) while continuing to post our usual stuff here.  We'll go with the latter option unless you guys prefer the pay site route.

And, yes, we definitely know who sends us comments.  First, Unknown comments are fine but we can't invite you to a private site.  Second, we know who is sending us comments and you would be invited for sure.  Here's a list that would automatically be invited to a private site based on your comments since September 1 (3 comment minimum or a longstanding commentor):











Mamma's Sun




We will need email addresses to invite you to the private site and I understand Marti may already have it for some of you.  Still it would be good if you could send another request to me at  Anyone not on the list above will need to comment on some of our stuff between now and October 31 (three comments minimum) and then email me.

And, to the guys mentioned above, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!

Vera From Behind

 Fucking Vera - always showing off.  And you can't even see her DDD's.  She is good at showing off all her ASSets!


The Boa and the Minnow

 You know how difficult it can be to laugh when you have a mouthful of food or drink?  I can tell you it's even harder when you have a gigantic cock in your mouth and down your throat.  That's what happened to me in this photo.  First, this is one of the biggest cocks in my group of men - you can see the cockhead in my throat!  It was plunging out my throat while a different got sucked my left tit while another one played with my left one.  Plus there was a fourth guy balls deep in my pussy.  But back to the cock in my throat. . .  Other than moans, exclamations of sexual delight, and sounds cocks make as they fuck a wet mouth or wet pussy, the room is usually quiet.  But I heard someone say something like "Looks like a minnow eating a boa constrictor!" referring to the size of this cock and me taking it.  As you can see I cut my eyes in the direction of the voice and couldn't help but start laughing - his comment cracked me up more than it should have.  Well, when you're going balls deep with a huge cock in your mouth your tongue needs to be in a certain position to allow you to breathe.  Well, my tongue slipped as I tried to laugh and I chocked on the cock and the laughter.  I had to pull him out to catch my breath, my tits flopping around as I laughed and my pussy squeezing the cock inside me as I tensed with laughter.  I finally caught my breath and fed the boa back down my minnow throat!

Ms. Risa



Hello!  I'm the new girl in town - Risa.  Koko ni kite yokata (Nice to be here).  OK, don't get me started in Japanese because I'm not very affluent in it.  My parents came to the States from Japan as postgraduate students at UCLA.  They stayed in California for their careers as professors but I was born before they became naturalized citizens so I guess that makes me 1st generation?

Speaking of my parents (who are still alive) they had planned for their only daughter to be highly educated (PhD, MD, JD, MBA - something like that), but I dropped out of college after my freshman year after accepting a dare from an long-gone-out-of-my-life boyfriend to pose nude.  I enjoyed posing much more than going to college and was told I was pretty good at it and my career was born, especially when I joined a private club for men which was eventually bought out by what Marti now just calls our Agency.  It didn't take long before I took the leap into porn from erotic modelling and had quite a good career at it, doing strictly straight sex, sometimes one-on-one, sometimes gangbangs.

I spent just over 20 years with that studio when Studio M decided it needed more diversity in their models/actresses.  Our VP, Elaine, knew of me and recommended me to Dana.  The company flew me out across country from California to Florida for an in-person interview.  The interview went great and the panel interviewing me - Dana, Marti, Lin, Roxy - were as happy with the interview as I was though there was one problem: All the ladies at Studio M had to be willing to do both straight and lesbian sex.  I had never had sex with a woman before and was nervous as hell about even trying it.  I mean, what if I hated it?

That night, Marti visited me in my hotel room.  By the morning I was hooked on lesbian sex!  So I was signed to a contract and had soon had sex with all the ladies here.  Still, in front of cameras, I'm probably the most prolific straight sex actress at Studio M.

I'll stop there for now - don't want to reveal too much too soon.  But it's great to get to know all of you; well, at least those of you who comment here.



(Oh, in case you're curios, I was born in 1979 and I'm 5'3" tall and weigh around 130 pounds.  I wear a K cup bra - when I can find one to fit me 😁😉!)

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

"Young Perv" and Becca


 Hey all, it's me, Zin, writing but that's not me in the photo - that's my Mom, Becca or Momma as I call her.  And before I write a bit about her let me share one of my "Emily names" with you: Young Perv.  I got that name because of what's happening in the photo.  Before I go there just a reminder for any of you new here:  Becca's Dad, my grandfather, is Chris who is Marti's older brother.  Therefore Marti is my great aunt while Becca and Michelle are first cousins.  Got it?

But back to the photo.  I am certainly one of the most visual of our group of 40 ladies and enjoy, for instance, watching the other ladies pleasure Marti and watching (and tasting!) Marti's milk and squirting cunt.  But perhaps my favorite thing to watch is my Momma, Becca, suck her own tits, like in the picture, so it's a good thing that Momma likes to masturbate and by masturbating I mean sucking her own tits.  Momma's the only one of us who lives alone though less than 100 yards away in the little one bedroom guesthouse.  So she'll leave our nightly sex gathering before we're done with Marti and goes home and masturbates - i.e., sucks her nipples.  Sometimes I leave with her and just sit with her in her small living room and watch her enjoy her body.  There is just something so HOT 🔥🔥🔥about watching my own mother put on a self-sucking show for me.  I watch getting hotter and hotter and she loses herself in her play with those big milky tits eventually getting to the point when I just have to rub my clit or use a toy on myself, cumming often as I watch her.  Yeah, me being pervy.  So I guess Young Perv does fit me well!  But, damn, knowing Momma is putting on such a hot, private show just for me is definitely INTENSE and just fucking awesome!

And the conversation while she's putting on her show for me just gets me wilder with desire.  She'll pop that nipple out of her mouth and ask me something like "You enjoy watching your Momma do this, Baby?"  And, of course, I'm like "Hell, yeah!  So fucking hot!"  She'll go back sucking stopping every now and then to ask the same question with minor changes, twirling her tongue around her areolas as she listens to my reply.  And sometimes she'll put her tit almost in my face so I get a closeup of the nipple going into her mouth and I can almost taste the milk.  And, OMFG, when she looks up at me watching me watch her!

OK, now I'm really perving. . .

Monday, October 3, 2022

Marti's Huge Saliva-Covered Nipple

 I love to see Marti's huge hard nipple covered in saliva, especially when the saliva is mine!


Saturday, October 1, 2022

A Big July Breast

 Hey guys, July writing and, yep, that's my big left tit.  Wanted to let you know that I'm still here and still testing out my modelling wings.  I'm happy with the way things are going and so are Lin, Dana, and Elaine.  I'll keep 'growing' into the job so hopefully you'll be seeing more of me here.  Thanks for continuing to look in on us!