Friday, April 28, 2023

Marti Draped in Fuchsia

 I promised you something new of me and here's one; it's an outtake from a photo session before I dropped this fuchsia gown off my shoulders.  Just showing off my deep, long cleavage 😉.

A Twofer Friday Marti

 Here's a couple of photos of me from the past that were added to my Tumblr page.  You guys have me pretty much convinced you don't mind these reposts; but don't worry, new stuff is on the way, too!

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Playing With Them in the Shower

 Sorry to keep posting some pics I've shown before, but I want to put up here all the stuff I'm putting on my new Tumblr.  You don't mind too much, do you?

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Marti and a Pound Me Pose

Yep, you've seen this photo of me before but I just posted it on my new tumblr page and wanted to keep up with it here at BBBLL.  This is a "pound me" pose - well, except for the short shorts I'm wearing.  My tits will cushion us with each of your thrusts!

Monday, April 24, 2023

Marti Hanging Around

 We posted this photo late last year here but just reposted it on Tumblr and wanted to put it up here again.  It's just me, of course, letting them hang.

Marti Taking a Stroll

A warm spring day.  A nice breeze.  A walk on the beach.  Oh, and tits. . .

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Maria in Red, Hair Up

 Ciao di nuovo i miei amanti.  This time I post myself, Maria.  I don't usually wear red as I rather be in blue or black or white.  And I usually do not have my hair up.  But here it is both.  What do you think of me this way?

Addio per ora,


Dawn and Marti

 Ciao amanti.  Of course it is Maria writing,  I am proud of this photo I took of Mama Marti.  It was just dawn and we were on a boat on the way to FMI (Fuck Marti Island you remember, no?) for a photo shoot.  She decided to strip to nothing on the boat and I got this just as the sun broke.  Of course with Mama Marti any photo is a work of art - do you not think so?

Vi amo tutti,


(Yes, you may have seen this when it posted on Tumblr a few months back but it has not posted here.)

Saturday, April 22, 2023

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Dancing for a Character's Soul

 There's a bit of a story behind - and in front of - this photo of me from, well, behind.  I knew nothing about what was to happen that morning, I just knew I was supposed to meet Roxy behind the curtain of the largest stage at Studio M, which I did, finding her dressed all in black, something not too unusual for her.  I'll paraphrase what he asked me to do: "Pick a song you can dance to, dance to with feeling.  Depending on the song and the dance I'm going to create your character for a movie I'm writing.  But just so you know, there will be an audience watching you."  "How about I Will Always Love You by Whitney Houston," I said kissing her.  She wiped away a happy tear and smiled.

So after a couple of minutes the music started and the curtain opened and I couldn't see a thing beyond the stage: the fog machine was cranking and the stage lights were bright and pointed at me while the room beyond was dark.  Per Roxy's request, I had worn a small one-piece dress I could easily strip away and was barefoot; undies were optional so I wore some.

As I began to dance my own somewhat awkward but revealing dance I tried to let myself become someone else, someone I could be but wasn't.  By the time the final crescendo burst into the room I was feeling more confident and think I did a pretty damn good job dancing dramatically for a 72-year-old woman.  As the music disappeared I tried to become nobody while still on the stage.

When it was over there was more applause than I had anticipated: when Roxy said an audience I thought there would be maybe 30 - 40 people that typically show up at my filming, but the theater was slammed full - maybe around 250 people!  And every single one of them dressed in black while I stood nude (except for the panties) in front of them!

Anyway, Roxy did as she said and created my character from my dance.  It's an unusual movie based somewhat on the old late 60's TV show The Prisoner.  Fog was used extensively in the pilot and I was always, always nude (well except for the panties) while everyone else is clothed in black.  I won't go into the plot here, but the execs back on the west coast loved it and ordered 8 episodes.

Gotta hand it to Roxy; I'm sure that I will always love her. . .

Marti (OYO)

Marti Showing a Little Secret

 Notice anything a bit different in this photo of me?  OK, time's up.  Just below the fishnet (if you're eyes got that far) is a wee bit of bush!  My default is clean shaven "down there," but sometimes Roxy, Maria and I will discuss my character in a movie and think she should have some hair between the legs.  So the pictorials I do during filming of that movie will have some hair.  But two places you'll never see hair on me: under my arms and on my legs.

Oh, in case you're curious: the hair between my legs is still mostly dark hair while just a bit of white.  Funny how it goes white so much more slowly than the hair on my head 🤔. . .

Love you guys,

Marti (OYO)

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Roxy in Tennis Shoes

I usually opt for more elegant photos, but sometimes I like to clown around a bit, too.  Check out the shoes!


Marti in a Wendy Creation

 One of the big stars of our studio doesn't even get in front of the camera and that's our wardrobe manager/clothes designer/master seamstress Wendy.  Check out this gem she made for Marti!


Tuesday, April 18, 2023

The Biggest of All

 Here's one more photo of Mom that had appeared on our deleted Tumblr but not here at BBBLL.  Yellow does seem to be a theme today - as do big boobs with Mom's being the biggest of all.  Also love the fall of her natural gray hair in this photo, but not as much as I love those tits!


Maria Looking So 'Effin' Sexy

My Maria on a stool in front of a window at Studio M.  She had just finished a photo shoot - this time in front of the camera - and looked so fucking sexy.  I'm guessing you would wholeheartedly agree with me? 🤔😋😍


Marti in Yellow, Too

 This photo of Mom is another that got posted on Tumblr but not here at BBBLL.  Hmmm, I just realized the photo of me I just posted here had me in yellow (well, kinda in yellow) and now here's Mom in yellow.  I must be in a sunny mood today!

The cute and funny story behind this photo is that there was a bit of delay in starting the photo session so Mom took the moment to go pee.  When she came back the session started before Kaatje interrupted everything when she realized Mom had put her skirt on backward!


Michelle Busting Out

 Hey guys, it's Michelle.  I've been so "tied up" (yeah, sometimes literally) with my men I haven't posted here like I had planned.  I just need to try harder, don't I.  So here's a brand new photo of me hanging out of this tiny yellow outfit.  Look for more from me soon!

Love you guys,


Monday, April 17, 2023

Vera Returns

 Here's someone you haven't seen in awhile - Vera!  With Michelle busy with other things (Ahem!), Vera is our big-tittied queen with the best legs.  But this photo, obviously, is a focus on her large boobs.  I'm sure you won't have problems focusing 😉!  Welcome her back to BBBLL!

Mesmerizing Marti

Me (Marti) showing off to a couple of ladies from Studio M.  (For those of you who were following my now-deleted blog on Tumblr, yes, this photo was on Tumblr but never published here at BBBLL.)


Sunday, April 16, 2023

Marti Trapped

 It was a busy day; I had three photoshoots to do with each lasting around 3 hours.  In between two of the sessions, I was trying to do a quick change of clothes and got this little camisole stuck trying to pull it over my head.  Luckily my assistant, Kaatje, was right there to help (as she always is).  She did ask me how I managed to get it stuck going over my head and not going over my tits!

Willow Returns

 And here's our enigmatic Willow, as unpredictable, mysterious and quiet as ever.  She's  taken to doing most of her photo sessions and filming around the hours of dawn and dusk, sleeping during the day, quietly joining in our Marti-centric (and now Nicola-centric, too) play in the evenings, then wondering the roughly 1,000 acres of Marchelle West during the night, often with one or more of our three dogs.  Yet we all know she would do anything for any of us and though she rarely laughs her demure smiles warms even the most troubled heart.

Oh, and then there's that awesome body - but I'm guessing you noticed that 😉!


Saturday, April 15, 2023

Missing Marti Photos April 15, 2023

 We're just realizing that there are still a number of photos of Marti that went up on Tumblr but not BBBLL before our Tumblr account was terminated.  Here's a couple of her dressed.  Enjoy!


Emily in Bed?

 As you've probably figured out by now, I (Emily) prefer adventurous or unusual places to have my photo sessions, but I will sometimes opt for something more traditional like with this bedroom set.  At least I chose to use some pee-yellow sheets!  😁  If I don't get at least one person (Wendy, Daphne, Maria, Dana, etc.) shaking their head in exasperation over me then I'm not doing my job! 😂

Friday, April 14, 2023

Very Big, Very Tight

Our studio seamstress, Wendy, is amazing.  She made this tiny top for me out of some very stretchy material.  She still had to help me get into it for my photo session; her trying to stuff my tits into the little thing was both funny and highly erotic.  We were both breathing heavily with sexual excitement by the time she was satisfied with the fit.


Marti Supine and Among the Wisteria

 Here's a couple more photos of me from my deleted Tumblr account that never got posted here at BBBLL.  I really like the bottom photo with the gorgeous wisteria behind me.

Thursday, April 13, 2023

Maria in a Courtyard

 Ciao again.  You have not seen my body in months, I don't think so.  So I am giving to you now.  Please let me know if you enjoy what you see here!


Flow of Form

 Ciao amanti!  Yes, it has been awhile since you heard from me, Maria, no?  HAHA.  I do live still 😁😇!

I do hope you like this photo I took of Mama Marti.  I believe the flow of lighter to darker and her wondrous curves are perfect for black and white.  The eye is not distracted by color but by form.  And there is no form like Mama Marti's!

Addio per ora,


Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Let Emily Be Emily



 Hey guys, it's Emily, posing in an empty garage wearing a fancy red skirt and having my tits displayed.  Deke just had this garage built to house the Studio's equipment (forklift, truck, landscape equipment, etc.) and it seemed like a "good" place for a photo shoot before the stuff moved in.  I put good in quotes because I was the only one who thought it a good idea.  I think I was the only one who thought the more informal pink top looked good with the red skirt.  But Maria just shook her head and Wendy closed her eyes and the shoot went on.  Let Emily be Emily is kind of a mantra when they work with me, I think.

I can't believe Marti, Dana, and Maria chose to bring me into M+N with all the other lovely and more talented ladies around, but I am so very thankful.  It doesn't bother me that my initial was left off the new studio name along with Marti's and Nicola's, especially if the "E"  went between the "M" and "N."  That would spell "MEN" and that would give a totally wrong impression as to what goes on here! 🤔🤣

(PS: Thanks Phil for the lovely comments!)

Marti Clowning

 Me clowning around in my office at Studio M giving a few of the gals something to look at 😉😯😁

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Roxy's Lovely Legs

 Since Roxy put up a couple of pics of me, I'm putting up one of her incredible legs.  I am so proud of her: even though she's only 25 years old, we all view her as a sage among us, a wisdom far beyond her age.  But she'll never admit it. . .


Scratching an Itch

 So we were doing an outdoor night shoot on this ugly temporary stage (we used it because it was dark).  I wore a tiny black dress, black undies, black heels and black stockings.  I even wore a long black wig.  The idea was for everything to be dark except the skin of my upper half.  Of course, in Florida on a warm spring night with several fresh water ponds on the Studio M property and lights shining on me, a few mosquitos were bound to find me for a late night snack.  One got me on the tummy so I had to stop trying to pose and scratch my itch.  Roxy took the opportunity to photograph me mid scratch 😯😳

The Flowers and THE TITS Are Out

 Now that spring is in full force here in Florida, more than just the blooms are coming out!  To be honest, with Marti around and especially with THE TITS out I doubt if anyone noticed the lovely flowers.  I sure didn't!


Monday, April 10, 2023

Marti Waiting Serenly

 Between Marti's clumsiness and Maria's perfectionism, Marti's photo sessions often last longer than expected.  Here, Marti sits patiently waiting for Maria to straighten out some technical issue during a shoot.  I grabbed this photo; I think it is so hot how Marti is just sitting there so serenely as if she's in a department store waiting for Maria to try on a new dress all while being totally nude in a room full of people who can't take their eyes off her.


Friday, April 7, 2023

New Stuff and Changes

 Here's the photo I used to announce at Tumblr our return to Blogger.  And below, in brief, are some of the changes we've gone through both privately and at Studio M.

From now on we'll refer to our home property as Marchelle Woods.  "Marchelle" is obviously - and not very creatively - the combination of my name and Michelle's.  The entire property is some 1,600 acres and we've divided it into a roughly 900 acres Marchelle West and 700 acres Marchelle East.  The 900 acres is where the originally homestead is along with the additional houses for many of our other ladies.  Marchelle East is for the much-expanded WFMC house where Michelle and her men do their exciting thing.  Michelle has added several more houses for her men on the property.  West and East are divided by a golf cart path.  There are many other golf cart paths, especially on the West side, for strolling, bike riding, jogging, or, yes, golf cart riding.  Most of the entire property is either pine or oak forest with some open fields and numerous small ponds, typical of this area of Florida.

Now to the professional changes.  A VERY exciting new talent has joined Studio M - her name is Nicola and Roxy will write about her exclusively in a new Blogger page.  Nicola stirred up so much excitement both at Studio M and in our corporate office that the decision was made to split Studio M into two entities: the original Studio M and what we're calling M+N (Marti + Nicola, of course).  M+N consists of the two of us plus Emily and Michelle when she can break away from her men.  Maria is the main photographer and director and also gets in front of the camera.  Dana is the exclusive Manager of M+N and Wendy is now solely doing wardrobe for us just as Daphne is solely the makeup artist for M+N.  Roxy, of course, does all our writing and no one could pull Kaatje away from me.  The other ladies you've seen here are still with Studio M: Vera, Willow, Zin, July, Mandy, Becca, Chelsea, Lin, Risa, Skylar, Erin, etc.  Elaine resigned from the Board of Directors and is now running Studio M just as Dana runs M+N.

One last thing (and I'm sure I'm leaving some stuff out): BBBLL will be our PG13 to R rated site focusing on, of course, big boobs and lovely legs.  Michelle will, indeed, open a new Blogger site that will be more R to X rated focusing, of course, on blowjobs and some fucking.  Roxy will also open a new Blogger that will be mostly text - it is Roxy after all - with some 3D stuff that will tell Nicola's story.

So, lots happening.  If you're mostly a Tumblr follower, we will copy and paste everything here to our Tumblr site

Coming Back to Blogger - New Marti Pics

  Here are some new photos of Marti that we had posted on Tumblr.  See previous post for explanations.

Coming Back to Blogger - Previous Emily Pic

  Here are some previously posted photo of Emily that we had posted on Tumblr.  See previous post for explanations.

Coming Back to Blogger - Previous Michelle Pics

 Here are some previously posted photos of Michelle that we had posted on Tumblr.  See previous post for explanations.

Coming Back to Blogger - Previous Marti Pics

We've decided to return to Blogger!  More on this shortly but first I want to get you caught up on things we published at Tumblr since our original Tumblr page was deleted.  TBH, we are not getting the response we had hoped for at Tumblr so we're back here.  We will post stuff here first and usually also publish at Tumblr.  Again, more on our plans here in an upcoming post.

These photos of me were previously published here.