Friday, April 30, 2021

Maybe Off a Few Days

Hey guys.   Something has come up that may keep up offline for just a few days.  Like I said, it may keep us off, but maybe not.  At the worst we should be back on by Monday, May 3.


Wednesday, April 28, 2021

A Sexy Ritual

 Mom's body has certainly gone through lots of changes over her years of blogging: the size of her tits (which, wonderfully, keep getting bigger); the size of her body (her weight has varied from 120 pounds to 160 pounds); the color of her hair (blond, brunette, and quite a few wigs usually in the black to white range); tanned skin and not tanned and everything in between.  And it's not just her body.  She was married to Daniel; she was single; she's now married to Roxy.  She wasn't a prostitute then she was now she isn't again.  She didn't do anal then she did now she doesn't again.  She was totally straight when she started and ever since has been increasing her sex with women to the point of marrying one (Roxy, of course).  She had the WFMC then she didn't now she does again.  The WFMC has been up and down and back up again.  Same with gang bags.

You get the picture, right?  I won't keep going on.  But a few things have been consistent from the first time she was gang banged and her first few scenes from "Josh's Mom" (her first porn video set) and three that come to my mind are her love of cum (she is insatiable), her very long and very excitable nipples, and the popularity of her shower/bath scenes.  When you look at this one from a few years ago it's easy to understand!

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Giving Up an Old Habit

 Hey guys.  This is my last post before I describe my new project - promise.  But you'll see a bit of a change in me, or maybe you've already noticed.  Considering the advice of my doctors and also in planning for my new role, for the first time in my life I'm swearing off sun worshiping.  I've always tanned easily and love the feel of sunshine warming my body, but, let's face it, sun bathing isn't healthy for the skin.  Hell, I had minor surgery a few years ago (some of you remember) to remove some of the freckles on my chest caused by sun damage.  (Yeah, I kept some - they're kind of a trademark of mine in a way.)  I didn't sun bathe last season because of the pandemic and I'm skipping it again this year - and probably for the rest of my life.  Besides, I've got Daphne, my makeup artist extraordinaire; she can make my chest look flawless or freckled, add or remove blemishes and moles, or, yeah, make me look tan even if I'm not.

So, me in this photo is the me you'll be seeing from now on.  If I look tanned it will be either a picture from 2+ years ago or some of Daphne's work.  Here she's brushed away almost all my freckles though I never cover the "great red spot" near my left areola (not visible in this picture) that you see in so many of my photos.

Monday, April 26, 2021

Her Own League

We talk a lot about Marti's back view - and will continue to do so because it is so unique to her and because it shows the amazing difference between the relatively small size of her body compared to the huge width of those incredible tits.  But, no mistake, she rocks a side view, too!  I mean, look at this photo!  The width of those tits has always been immense; I can see it in her older photos and videos.  A lot of her increase in breast size in the last few years, however, has been in the depth of those things.  That is so evident in this side view which I took of her very early one morning.

A fun (fun?, fucking hot is a better expression!) thing about this photo is how her nipple has already responded to my attention and photographing of her while her areola is just beginning to perk up.  It's something unique to Marti - her nipples and areolas often behave separately from one another.  I swear those things have a life of their own.

So, it's Monday, Marti's day off.  This is the day that those ladies of us closest to Marti get together over brunch/lunch and just talk: Marti, Michelle, Maria (who, workaholic as she can be, does take Monday mornings off), Gina, Dana, Gail, Daphne, sometimes Ruthie, and - to my continuous wonder - me.  [Let's see, in the order that the ladies are listed, their bra cup sizes would be O or P (though Marti lists as M+), J, DD, B, A, L, C, K, and C for me.]  Normally anybody sitting in a room with either Michelle, Ruthie, maybe Maria, or, especially, Gail would certainly notice how big these ladies busts are; but Marti is simply in a league by herself.

But I got off track. . .  So we'll talk about all kinds of things but, eventually, the big boobs will come out and those of us who love them will be in paradise.  And although Michelle, Gail, Ruthie (when she is there which is about half the time) and Maria will get their fair share of breast attention, we'll all gravitate to Marti.  And not just because she's the largest or because her nipples are the longest and hardest; it's mainly because she's the only one who is so orgasmic just by having her tits and nipples played with.  It's always fun - and amazing to the point of being mesmerizing - to see just how often and how easily Marti cums and gushes her juices just from breast play.

Damn, I got so off tract thinking of Marti and, well, those things so evident in this photo.  I meant to write a bit about her new project - though she'll fill in the details - and how happy she is (notwithstanding an occasional down times when she thinks too long on Jake).  [I wish I had met Jake; I feel I could be so much more to her during her sad times if I had.]

But there are many more photos of her to post to explain. . .

But is there any one else who could do this pose quite like Marti?


Saturday, April 24, 2021

Care To Join Marti?

 This photo of Mom has been around for awhile, but, when I noticed she hadn't shown it here on MMMM, I just had to post it.  It was from a few years ago at the beginning of a WFMC so imagine that pretty, smiling face of hers looking at the dozen or so guys standing around the tub, all knowing that soon there would be a lot of fucking going on and a lot of cum swallowed.  I can just imagine her laughing at some comment one of the guys made about her huge tits.  I can also imagine a dozen or so rock hard cocks raring to go!

We're all really excited about Mom's new porn adventure.  I can't tell you what it's about - she'll do that next week - but it's going to be a lot of fun and hot as hell.  The Agency has been trying to get her back ever since she retired late last year, but she, and Maria acting as her agent, have quickly turned down any offers - until this one.  And the Agency was so happy to have her back that they waved some of their rules, primarily not resetting the usual 10 year ban on some of her stuff going public, with some exceptions.  They are also loosening some restrictions on the pictures she can show here, so look for some new, amazing big tit stuff!

Like I said, I won't divulge what the project is about, but I will say it will be serialized much like "Josh's Mom" was.  Many of us - me included - will have recurring roles as well.  With all the ideas I've heard it sounds like there could be years worth of material.  It's really going to be exciting!

More to cum. . .


Friday, April 23, 2021

A New Tits Adventure (?)

 I'm really excited about a new project I'm undertaking.  I'll tell you all about it next week, but for now I'll just say it will be a new porn series which will star me and, of course, my breasts.  It won't kick off for a while yet, so I'm experimenting with different looks to carry into the series: different wigs, different face and breast makeup, wardrobe, tan lines, etc.  I'm also trying out different weights for myself, looking for the best trade-off between thinner body or bigger tits.  (I add a cup size for every roughly 12 pounds of body weight.)  In this photo, for instance, I'm a bit heavier that I've been since I was ill this past winter.  I'm working with both my physical therapist (Dana) and my nutritionist (Gail) to gain some weight in a healthy manner.  I'm still sticking to my lacto-ovo-pescatarian diet and not going too crazy with fatty foods, so we'll see.

I think you'll enjoy where I'm heading next; but, for the weekend, I'll give this site over to Michelle and Roxy and will write back to you on Monday if not before.


Marti (OYO)

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

What a View

 Isn't this a fantastic pose for Marti?  Sometimes when it is only her and I, I like to lean backwards with my back against the headboard of the bed while she lies between my legs, her back against my chest.  She'll lean her head back and arch her back out.  Then, when I look down past her head, the tits are displayed just for me.  And those sometimes are when I pretend they are my tits and that it is I that carry them around.  When I brush an lightly tweak the nipples I can feel the rush in my own nipples - and further down, too.

But, no, they're Marti's.  And again I can't help but sink back into a "what did I do to deserve these, deserve her," mode.  But she reassures me: "Take them, they're yours to do with as you please."

And the cycle starts again.


Monday, April 19, 2021

"Pinch Me and Tell Me It's Still Real"

 I wanted to thank you all, too, for all the hot comments on my last legs pic.  As a reward (maybe?) here's another one of my legs with a more sheer hose look.

You know, I can't believe I'm doing this.  A year ago most of my wardrobe consisted of a few pairs of baggy jeans and loose fitting tops with, of course, tennis shoes.  Now look!  It's the confidence that comes with being in Marti's presence, much less being her wife.

Pinch me and tell me it's still real. . .

Michelle and Maria's Handiwork

 This is a photo from a couple of years ago.  I'm not sure who actually took the photograph, but Michelle and Maria were working my tits and nipples over and I was blissing out.  My nipples were certainly having fun!

Now that I've got your attention - that is if you're even paying attention to the writing! 😉😁 - I want to thank many of you for your comments!  It's been awesome getting so many and is really a high for me.  Here's a list of those who have commented just since this past weekend: Eric the Viewing Viking, Wookiee42, Bill, Filipe, Josh Ward, Hoochman, Art, SCThomas, ASkelly, Avalon, mikshel269, anotheroneofnone, Steeleerim3, Incomplete, thereelguy45, several "unknowns," and, of course, the three of you who have seemed my constant companions over many years - TheMaskedHillbilly, CD4, and Feelgood.  Again, thanks so much to all of you: this is what inspires me (and Michelle and Roxy) to do more on this site - and we love it.  If you haven't been commenting, please do - even if you fall into the "unknown" group.  We promise to start replying to some of your comments: we simply cannot respond to all of them but be patient and keep commenting and we'll comment back on one or more of yours!

Love and Kisses,

Marti (OYO)

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Great Legs, Greater Tits

 I started writing this post at 4:40 in the morning.  Mom is in her exercise room working hard on the equipment which she does every single day for 80 minutes.  Doc is in the kitchen cooking breakfast which has become the largest meal of the day for us.  That's because at lunch and dinner Mom is usually busy fucking WFMC members and has a belly full of cum.  Maria is getting ready for work; she likes to get to the studio early.  Gina, who spent the evening with us last night is in the workout room with Roxy.  The two of them are videoing Mom's workout and broadcasting it live to the WFMC members.  It's amazing how many guys will get up early to watch her on her machines.  Mom's wearing only a tiny pair of gym shorts and her tennis shoes so her huge natural tits and hanging, swinging, bouncing free.  Roxy turns up the volume so you can hear the guys' exclamations about what the seeing which drives Mom to work even harder.

OK, that explanation really doesn't have anything to do with the picture above which is an outtake from a short flick she made and sent out to the WFMC some three or four years ago.  It's a good look at all of Mom.  Of course, we're all drawn to her tits, but look at her gorgeous legs.  Can you believe this is a 67-year-old woman?!  What's also cool is that now Mom is some 15 pounds lighter than she was back then and her boobs are probably 4 or 5 cup sizes larger!  Still, I love how she's looking at her left boob she's playing with.  I think it is so sexy that she is as enthralled with her tits as the rest of us.  She treats them as though they were individual entities and not really a part of her; big sensitive beauties that just happen to have taken up residence on her chest.

And we're all glad they did!  

 I think I'll go watch the workout now myself. . 


Saturday, April 17, 2021

Roxy's Rocking Legs

 I thought I'd step in for Mom for the weekend and start by showing you a photo of Roxy's legs - she has a pair of beauties for sure.  I also want to take this opportunity to tell her how much I appreciate her.  At first I thought Mom was crazy when she told me last summer she was going to marry Roxy.  I mean, I always liked Roxy, but really?  But I must say she has allayed all my concerns and then some.  Perhaps it was at first infatuation Roxy had for Mom, but now there is no doubt that she loves Mom with everything she has.  Even though it's kinda weird to call someone 20 years younger than me my stepmom, I'm glad she is and she is a very welcomed addition to our family.

Oh, and speaking of Mom, as today is Saturday she is "entertaining" 75 men here in the "WFMC" house.  I'm in the private part of the house writing this, though I can still here Mom's moans and those of her lovers downstairs.  Doc has the house set up to broadcast a live feed to all the TVs in the house, so I'm watching some young guy fucking her face as if it were her pussy and two other guys manhandling and sucking her tits as others stand around wanking and watching, waiting for their turn.  Mom has decided, and rightly so at her age though she's in fantastic shape, to only have the all-day fuck parties with the WFMC on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays with maybe another one during the week.  Some of the reason to back off the every day party, of course, is to rest some; but there is another reason that I'll let her explain.

More later.


Friday, April 16, 2021

A Note of Thanks

Hey guys.  I'm sorry I kinda went off on you yesterday evening about not getting enough comments.  If nothing else, I hope it showed you how much I love when you comment on my stuff.  It truly does mean more to me than whatever money I might earn if I made a pay site.

And, I realize I owe you, too; both in terms of more picture posts and more responses to your comments.  So, can we make this deal?  The more you comment on my posts, the more I'll post and the more I'll comment on your comments!  (Of course, when I say "I" that means both Roxy and Michelle, too.)

This site is purely a labor of love with you as the recipients.  So thank you.  There's lots more to come!

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Please Read

Where are you guys?

 So I've told you guys several times that your comments on our posts are the life blood of this site: you comment, we keep posting.  Yet, it ain't happening.  I just looked back through our last 10 picture posts; the number of comments are: 4, 5, 4, 5, 7, 3, 6, 11(yay!), 9, and 6.  I'm getting close to taking this back to private with the top 100 of you.  Now if you're Feelgood, TMH, CD, Reelguy, Wookie, SCThomas, Art, Mikshell and Bill, then you're good.  Else, where's the love?  I just want to average 10 comments a picture post.  I'm showing my body and pouring my heart.  I only want to do that for those of you who care.

If you're name wasn't on that list then I'd suggest you start commenting.  Kinda blunt and rude, I know, but is it too much to ask for a little in return for what I'm giving?


On Cue - and Off

 Memories of a fun time. . .

A few years ago I was making a couple of porn movies with a few huge-cocked studs.  As usual, I was on the set early as was some of the crew and one of the studs.  Unfortunately, a traffic accident had blocked the main road to the site and the director and the other studs were significantly delayed.  It didn't take long before I noticed how the actor who was there continually stared at my boobs.  So finally I said something to the effect of "I'll show you mine if you show me yours."  He agreed and I let my big girls out.  When he pulled down his trousers, his big cock sprung out and hardly bobbed it was so hard.  So, naturally, I reached for it as he moaned approval.  I reminded him we had a video to shoot but he assured me that, even if he were to cum - and he was sure he would - that knowing he would be fucking me for the cameras would get him hard and ready in no time.

He did cum before the rest of the team got there.

And he did cum on cue during the filming!

Posing, Not Posing

 Some of you may remember this photo of me from last May but I thought I'd bring it back again since it was first published when this site was private.  It's another one that I think does look best in black and white because it accentuates the curves.  It was back in the early days of the pandemic when the group of ladies pretty much shut ourselves in for several months - remember that?  I used to pose for the ladies to distract us and keep us sane.  I always think some of my best pictures are when I'm not posing.  I was trying on some tops when one of the ladies snapped this.  I probably would have looked goofy if I had actually tried to make this pose 😇.  I'd have to say, looking at this picture, it's a wonder my back's not in traction!

It's hard to believe I didn't know Roxy when this photo was taken; it seems now like I've known her forever yet it's only been 10 months.

Memories of FMI

 Ah, the memories of Fuck Marti Island!  With this warm spring weather I can't help but think of all the wonderful times I've had there.  Kayaking may be tough now: my boobs have gotten so big that if I lean a little in one direction I'm liable to capsize!

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Poor T-shirt

I've tried to schedule all my doctor's appointments at around the same time to minimally disrupt the WFMC gatherings.  I have two appointments today and two tomorrow so there won't be any WFMC time these two days.  Hopefully I'll have more time to add to MMMM today and tomorrow.

This photo is a "for fun" picture taken by Maria one morning before all the sex started.  I love how she made my top look brighter and the rest of me and my surroundings look darker.  Ah well, she's a professional - she knows what she's doing.

This is one of my favorite poses, using my arms to push my boobs together and out because I have always thought it makes them look bigger, my cleavage deeper, and the tits less droopy.  Alas, they've gotten so big that they spill out over my arms ruining the effect.  Of course, I guess that's more of a plus than a minus, eh? 😁

I hope there's two things you've noticed by now.  One is that the t-shirt ripped while I was trying to pull it over my boobs.  Actually, it's not a bad thing, right?  The other is that I like how my nipples and even my areolas show through the shirt: I must've been anxious for something!

So look for a few more posts from me and hopefully some responses to some of your comments!


Tuesday, April 13, 2021

B&W Curves

 I love this photo of Mom's left tit.  This is just the kind of picture, to me, that should be in black and white as it shows the curves and shadows.

Now, just imagine being underneath that glorious boob and hard nipple. . .

Whatever You Want


We finally finished filming all of the "Tia and the Tits" shows the other day.  It had certainly been a full day for Marti as we had already done 4 shows - two with 2 porn studs and two with 3 of them.  The fifth show, however, was to be something special.  Maria had invited all the men associated with her studio - actors, cameramen, salesmen, stage hands, gophers, all of them to have a go at Marti.  Not only that, but she also had the president of the cross town studio (a more mainstream porn studio) invite all the guys there, too.

This photo was taken before that last event.  Guys were already filing in an hour before it was to start. Marti had showered and put on a new gray wig and her makeup was done by Daphne well before anyone had arrived.  By the time the doors were locked (must've been around 4:30 pm) there were over 60 guys waiting their turn.  They were all assigned a number and drawing of the numbers was random as to the order in which the guys would take her, usually four at a time.  They were welcome to play with and suck her tits and eat her cunt, but their cocks and cum were only supposed to go in her mouth and down her throat.  As "Tia," I sat close by, the cameras focused on her tits usually finding me, too.  Quite a few of the ladies from the studios came to watch and a few married guys who chose not to participate even brought their wives.

It took quite a while for all of the guys to unload in Marti's mouth, but they all did.  Even through all that, though, there was one guy from the other studio that seemed to me to really catch Marti's attention.  He was a tall black guy with a huge BBC, but I know Marti well enough it wasn't his cock size - after all, it is how much and how often a cock cums that really gets her attention, much more than cock size.  My impression was that this guy, more than any others, made love to Marti in the midst of all the fucking - even if was to her mouth and not her pussy.

After it was over and we had enough video for another 4 episodes of "Tia and the Tits" the guys and audience left us to clean up the studio.  After an hour or so, Marti - as fresh as she was in the morning! - got a message on her cell phone.  She left us and went to the back door, soon returning with that favorite of hers for the night, the black guy with the huge BBC.  She led him by the hand to the couch, her tits still out, and sat before him, unbuckling his pants and pulling out the huge, very hard monster of a cock.  "All my body is yours," she said.  "Whatever you want, as much as you want, for as long as you want."  She looked over at me then asked the guy: "Can my wife stay and watch?" she asked.  (It still thrills me when she calls me he wife.)

The guy smiled.  "Sure," said then ran his eyes over my body.  "Great legs!"  I blushed, pulled up a chair, grabbed a camera and watched.

I would write for hours if I told you everything he did to her.  Let's suffice it to say her pussy was well eaten and fucked, her tits were well handled and sucked, and her throat was thoroughly made love to.

It was late morning the next day when they finally gave out and separated.  I was wide awake though my fingers and clit were sore from all the jilling I did.  And when Marti and I were at last alone, I held her as she slept and marveled at the body I held.


(Edit:  Sorry for the fuzzy pic - as usual, I was shaking when I took this picture of Marti's tits.)

Monday, April 12, 2021

The Altars

 I just had to repost this photo of Mom before I got to new photos of her - and me.  I just think this picture perfectly shows her off, from the still fit and shapely legs to the hot ass to the trim body to the incredibly huge tits - oh, and I love the white/gray wig; she looks great in it.  She has it all, even at 70!

I have so much to write about regarding Mom, way too much to put in one or even 10 posts.  But the one thing I most want you guys here to understand is: it's different this time.  I find it hard to put it in words what I mean, but maybe in this and other posts you'll get a better understanding.  I'm not talking about the obvious differences such as how she used to do 2 or 3 gatherings of WFMC guys per day with some 10 - 15 guys at a time for 4 or 5 hours a group whereas now she does 40, 50 or more guys in one day-long affair.

No, the difference I'm talking about is in the intensity, the mood, the power.  Those sessions from 5 - 10 years ago were filled with laughter, comments from the guys, a party atmosphere.  Now, except for the sounds of sex, it's quiet with a few whispers ("WOW!", "Oh my God, look at that!", things like that) from the guys.  Years ago, the guys were coming to a party; now, they're going to the altar.  And if Mom's body - especially her tits and her mouth/throat - is their alter, then Mom's alter is the gift of their cum.  It's mutual in reference to the gifts they share.

Mom's appreciation for cum knows no bounds.  The best example of this is that she now has her own orgasm when a guy cums in her mouth.  Add that to how easily she cums when the guys are sucking her nipples and that the guys are often eating her pussy and, well, you get the picture.

I'll never be able to fully write what this is about, but I had to start somewhere.

Now, fuck, I'm hot just thinking about it.  When Maria gets out of the shower she's gonna have to get another one after what I'm going to do to her - and her to me!


Saturday, April 10, 2021

On Comments, Emails - and Michelle!

 I'm going to try to pack several things into this one post so we can get back to showing you what you want - pictures!

I know I mention it a lot, but what keeps us going on this site are your comments.  There's been a drop off lately in the number of comments (not the quality!) and it may be because we've not been posting as much as we have in the past.  We're hoping to correct that; I'll write about that later in this post.  So please, if you want to keep this site going, COMMENT!

Which gets me to the second point: emails.  If you want to comment on our stuff but don't want to use google, you can email us at or and just tell us you're commenting on a certain post.  We'll cut and paste it into this site leaving you anonymous, well, except to us.

I know several of you have sent me some emails over the last several months.  To be honest, while I was sick and for some time before and after I never looked at my emails.  I'm looking again.  But, as with comments, I cannot answer them all and still provide content here - there just isn't enough time.

Which brings me to my next point and I would like your input: like I said, we can't reply to all comments, so, in an attempt to be fair, we rarely reply to any.  I realize this "all or nothing" approach may not be the best.  So, if you guys tell me it's OK, we'll start replying to selected comments, but not all.  I don't want to put any of you off if you don't think you're getting enough replies and that's why we don't do it, but if you're OK with it, we'll start.  Let us know!

And now the final thing: Michelle.  Michelle will be returning to us here as a consistent contributor!  She, with Maria's backing, is negotiating her way out of her contract with the Agency so she can be an individual contributor (subcontractor, in other words), which is what I am.  That will allow her to just do what she wants to do instead of fulfilling a contract and, with Maria's great success in the Agency - she's now a board member of the Agency as well as CEO of the studio we use - they don't really need Michelle's income.  So look for a lot more input from Michelle again - including her posting more pics of me and herself!  Hopefully it will bring you more content here and may spur more comments from you.


Marti (OYO)

Friday, April 9, 2021

Areola Detail

Hey everyone, it's Marti.  Sorry we have been so inconsistent posting lately, but we've been so busy with the WFMC (a little more on that later).  We're taking a few days off from 21 straight days of 40+ guys gangbanging me every day because we need to film so more "Tia and the Tits" episodes.  I'm not so sure it's really "time off" as we'll be making four episodes a day with either two or three porn studs fucking me in each episode as Tia (Roxy) plays with my tits.  I've even agreed to take some anal which I haven't had since September.  I'll only let guys I really trust do it (like Big Eddie) because I only want to take it slow - and deep, very deep!

But that's not about this photo.  This was taken awhile back on a day at Fuck Marti Island.  One of the guys (there were seven there that day as I recall) took this photo before the actual "activities" started.  I actually think it's a great study on my right areola.  Notice how deeply wrinkled it is showing it's excitement over the coming events.  Also, did you notice the almost star shaped raised portions that seem to emanate from my nipple?  Almost like spokes in a wheel.  Some end in Montgomery bumps.  That's unusual for me and just goes to show you that my nipples and areolas seem to have a mind of their own.

We'll try to do better and post more (yeah, I've said that before).  The one thing you can do to help us post more is to comment more - it's how we know you're enjoying MMMM!

Kisses (wherever you want them)

Marti (OYO)


Wednesday, April 7, 2021


 When is a poorly focused picture still a hot picture?  When the subject is Marti, of course.  To me, the fact that this is poorly focused actually enhances the enormity of her tits.  I guess the loss of other detail just draws your attention to their overall size compared to the rest of her body.

What do you think?

Saturday, April 3, 2021

Marti and Roxy Trio

 Hey everyone, it's Michelle.  With Mom and Roxy so busy on the weekends with the WFMC, I thought I'd take over here on Saturdays and Sundays.  I thought I'd start with a flashback of my three favorite Mom + Roxy pictures.  The first one is an absolutely stunning photo of one of Mom's huge nipples and Roxy licking it as if it were a cock.  The middle one is a good perspective on just how big Mom's boobs are with Roxy's head obviously quite smaller.  I also love the way Mom is holding her tit and watching Roxy.  The bottom one is fantastic to me because of the view of Mom's arm in the background showing how much she is giving her breasts to Roxy.

So here you go, a Saturday feast for your eyes!

Friday, April 2, 2021

The Right One

Since I showed a back view of Marti and her left tit, I thought it only fair to show a back view of her huge right one.  Now just imagine yourself sitting in that couch in front of her and what you would see. . . Wow!  (The brunette wig is interesting, too, don't you think.  Or did you even notice?)