Sunday, April 16, 2023

Willow Returns

 And here's our enigmatic Willow, as unpredictable, mysterious and quiet as ever.  She's  taken to doing most of her photo sessions and filming around the hours of dawn and dusk, sleeping during the day, quietly joining in our Marti-centric (and now Nicola-centric, too) play in the evenings, then wondering the roughly 1,000 acres of Marchelle West during the night, often with one or more of our three dogs.  Yet we all know she would do anything for any of us and though she rarely laughs her demure smiles warms even the most troubled heart.

Oh, and then there's that awesome body - but I'm guessing you noticed that 😉!



Art said...

Just absolutely gorgeous is Willow. Can't wait to see more of her. 😘😘

TheMaskedHillbilly said...

Awesome shot of the beautiful Willow, very glad to see her again. The differences in all the personalities keeps things interesting, especially knowing the common thread is a sense of caring and belonging.

Wookiee42 said...

Such a sexy sultry pic! Willow sounds so amazing! Enigmatic and gorgeous! What an awesome combination to be around!!!

Andre Clifton said...

An incredible body housing a beautiful spirit. I'm envious of you ladies but intrigued by your stories.

wnccouple said...

Now this is an image that would be great to see roaming around the woods at night. Super sexy. I wonder if we could get google earth to do a nighttime flyover? Well, we can always dream.