Friday, October 28, 2022

Dana's Legs and an Update

 OK, yeah, those are my (Dana's) legs that our resident goofball Emily took of me when I was trying to catch a break at the Studio.  You may have noticed that my legs have firmed up a bit - we've hired (did someone mention this already?) a wellness manager to help keep us healthy and in shape and, being the "executive director" (I got a promotion) here at Studio M I tried to set an example by using her (the wellness manager's) services on a regular basis.  Let's face it, our job is to project beauty and sexiness and, while we don't want a bunch of muscle-bound women, being in a healthy shape - from Kaatje, our thinnest girl, to July, our heaviest - is vital and Marti sets the example.  I mean, she's incredibly fit for a 72-year-old woman and she serves as an example to us all.

With my promotion I was able to talk the board into letting me promote two members of our team to general manager: Lin is now the general manager for our female talent (the core of the business) and talent and office support while Deke is general manager for the physical sites and male talent.  Our dear friend, Big Eddie, was struggling to manage his people in his position as set manager and I was worried about him, but Deke mentored him and worked with him and things have gotten much better so we're happily keeping him on.

Studio M is growing like mad; I have a ratio of 3:2, meaning for every three full time models I need two background employees, be they writers or makeup/costume or set designs or stagehands or photographers, etc.  This huge main building is filling up fast: I won't go with this open office design even though headquarters wishes I would.  We lost a couple of smaller buildings in the hurricane and, as one of my now biggest blunders, I sold our huge warehouse building because I didn't think it fit what we were doing.  We're building physical structure as fast as we can but we're not keeping up with hiring.  I guess that's a good problem.

So I wanted to spill all this before Marti gets back so you'll have a feeling for what is going on here.  I'm hoping a lot of the focus will be on her for awhile!


TheMaskedHillbilly said...

Whatever you're doing it is certainly paying off Dana, both physically, your legs look phenomenal, and career-wise. Selling the warehouse space may cramp things temporarily but if you thought it wasn't the right fit then having something purpose built is the way to go.

Marti's return will most definitely garner the majority of attention and rightfully so. She and THE TITS have their own gravitational pull, drawing us all in.

Art said...

Just absolutely gorgeous Dana. Your legs go on forever. As to the need for construction and expansion, awwww, cry me a river, every business should have such problems and the capital to deal with them. You go girl and team Marti 😘😘

Wookiee42 said...

Great job keeping everyone healthy!
Well we all learn from mistakes! Great set of problems to have though.
And as always Dana you are showing off some of the best legs out there!

Feelgood said...

I knew your legs were looking better and great job!

Steve said...

I've got a ZZ Top song sauntering through my head...

mikshel269 said...

The FHBLL returns with another sexy post. Don't dwell to much on mistakes as they will happen. You are doing as great a job keeping Studio M afloat as THE TITS are

NorthNJMale said...

great pair of legs.....thank you for sharing them with us