Friday, February 10, 2023

The Perks of Studio M

 The office, dressing room, and production areas of Studio M consist of two main buildings simply called Studio North (the original Studio M building and where my dressing room is) and a nearly identical Studio South connected by a narrower building we call, well, The Connector which is just offices and dressing rooms.  Each of the three buildings is three stories with just the two bottom stories completed and the top one for future growth.  The three for a large block "C" open on the west side with the center sporting two swimming pools and gardens.  There is one large storage building a few hundred feet behind South Studio with most of the rest of the roughly one square mile property designed as various outdoor settings.

OK, you didn't really need to know all that except in the context to the rest of this post.  See, the North and South buildings are complete while work is still ongoing for The Connector.  Early one morning I was walking from my dressing room to a set in South Studio wearing this toga-like thing for a scene in a movie when I passed by what will eventually be a break room in The Connector.  A few construction guys were in the unfinished room enjoying cups of coffee before starting work for the day.  I had maybe a half hour to kill before I had to be on set so I stopped in the break room to thank them for all their hard work.  As you can see, the "thank you" included my tits coming out and their eyes then hands then mouths finding them.

The perks of working at Studio M!

Marti (OYO)


anotheroneofnone said...

So *that's* how you get contractors to actually show up... Makes sense.

TheMaskedHillbilly said...

I'm sure they will all be early for work from now on just on the off chance of a repeat performance. Though they probably weren't very productive that morning, not after experiencing THE TITS!

Feelgood said...

Fringe benefits for hard work 🤩🤩🤩

Wookiee42 said...

I need to be q construction worker there. They could pay me solely in 30 minutes a day with my mouth on THE TITS!!!!

Andre Clifton said...

I need to get a job in construction ASAP.

Redmagnum79 said...

How can I get a job there with perks like that

Art said...

Anything connected with Studio M definitely has Marti perks. Clearly. 😘😘

wnccouple said...

I'd be happy to come down and work for free with those kinds of benefits. Great photo of a beautiful lady. I do wonder how they got anything done the rest of the day with a stiff leg.

Art said...

Today is February 23 and it's been 2 weeks. Are you guys ok?

Wookiee42 said...

Miss all the ladies in this blog. It's awesome seeing more of Marti active on Tumblr. But I miss the rest of your amazing bodies and personalities

IKON said...


Steve said...

Wher'd y'all go? Everything ok?