Tuesday, March 16, 2021

From Marti, with Love

I recently received this comment from a long time follower, Ben:

I am worried that some of these posts "do not seem right"...I am worried that the "tone" does not "sound like" Marti. I have followed her posts for many years....this does not sound "right"....so, I could be wrong...And I very much hope I am....but I am worried that something has actually happened to Marti. She has also not replied to the several emails I sent her...and before these last months she always replied. So I am very worried....so I will ask a hard question that is terrible of me and I worry....did Marti pass away? I am sorry to have to ask...but in an earlier post a few months ago, it was mentioned that someone passed away...but was not named. I am fearful that it was Marti. GOD Bless her. Ben

First, let me assure you all it was not ME that passed away.  But, I confess, it is me who has changed.  The death of my son made me change, especially.  My fall and winter sickness made me change.  Just simply my age made me change.   I cannot believe that just a few years ago I was running a sizeable business - I can't even pay my bills on time anymore.  My mind is truly getting older, but my body seems to be getting younger, making up for it.

No, you won't read any posts from me of the quality you long term followers have come to expect.  I can't do it.  I can't read a book anymore because I can't follow it.  I'll never write my book now - I given everything to Roxy in hopes she will. . . one day.

My mind isn't what it was.  But I hope you will find out that my body is better than it ever was.  It is my sole outlet now.  I pour everything into it.  It's who I am.

That, and my love for Roxy, Michelle, Maria. . . and you. 


Art said...

Marti you are amazing. I love seeing your pics and your videos. You are truly a very special woman and I for one think you are just getting better. ❤

Anonymous said...

Wishing the best

Filipe said...

wish the best for all of you...

Wookiee42 said...

Marti. You are such an amazing woman. Everything you share and the connection you try to make is amazing. We all wish you the best and much much love

TheMaskedHillbilly said...

First off Sexy, you know I am here for the duration. Getting used to a new narrator will be an adjustment but I look forward to continuing to follow your journey.

Andre Clifton said...

I'm glad you are feeling better. The anniversary of my father passing always hits me hard. Especially since it was around my birthday. Whatever you are willing to share I am here, on and off, to show support and admiration.

Cd4 said...

You've earned the right to change and slow down if that's what YOU want to do. It's always has been about the others close to you. Now it's time for it to be about you. Love peace and happiness.

Cd4 said...

You can still write your book and you have tons of notes from all the episodes you started. Once you start reading them if the mind doesn't remember the body certainly well. Or you can add whatever ending you want. You know you have very talented people with you who can help putting it together and writing (TMH) and that one guy that does those exotic illustrations and drawings that should framed that has to go in. You have time at this time in your life and it will be a journey down memory lane that will stimulate not only mind but the body as well. Could be a continuous orgasm. What a body and the heart and soul to go with. Grab a nipple and think about it..

Feelgood said...

Sorry I out with something unsexy but I think everybody here is saying it all. MARTI, MARTI, MARTI 🎊🎊🎊

Anonymous said...

Thank you Marti for this post. GOD Bless You Marti...in all ways. I always hope for the best for you in all ways. Ben