Friday, August 7, 2020

Roxy's Ramblings

 So here I sit alone.  Tomorrow night this will be our bed, Marti's and mine.  She's staying in the large condo tonight while I'm in this bed in the two bedroom unit, waiting.  I can't sleep, no way.  At 2:00 am all my dreams come true.  I hope you will allow this 22-year-old novice my musings for tonight.  They may not make sense at all.  That's OK, in a way none of this makes sense.

Three months ago I was a loser; a plain girl with a boring life going nowhere.  My family abandoned me when I came out, fuck them.  I left my home town and came here a year ago, no friends to beckon me to this city.  I've made some acquaintances but had yet to find someone to relate to and to relate back to.  My job was better than minimum wage, but not much.  I had dropped out of college after one semester; not for me.  I went to technical school and got an associate's in cosmetology, but I was no artist like Daphne.  But I did know the products and what they could do so I went into sales.  I needed a big city for such a job so here I ended up.  It was OK.  I made enough to make ends meet and feed myself in my shitty little one bedroom apartment - at least I was free to be me.

I don't know, but maybe it's hard for you male readers to understand, but I am as much of a breast woman as any of you are a breast man.  My boobs are on the small side of a B cup.  The couple of female lovers I had were no bigger than a large B or small C.  God, a D cup would have been beyond my wildest dreams.  Sure, I had taken an interest in Daphne when she first entered the shop I worked for; a large C I guessed she was, dressed a little weird with more tattoos than I would have liked, but still attractive and nice tits.  I flirted, she responded.  We went out for coffee.  She saw me stare at her cleavage.  She said something like "If you think these are nice you should see my boss's.  They're the biggest ever."  Hell, yes, I wanted to see.  She took me to Marti.  I was in heaven.  Marti noticed and, for some reason I'll never understand, I was what Marti wanted.  Me, fucking me.  I mean, really.  The only women who had ever paid attention to me were ones as desperate as I.  And guys?  Never a second look which is why I abandoned them.  But me, small tits, poor complexion, bottom heavy.  I figured I'd find someone like me and hope for nothing more than contentment and peace.

I'm marrying a goddess.  I'm marrying someone better than my best dreams and fantasies.  In, what, 6 hours from now.  How can I sleep?  Marti is three years younger than my grandmother, but I don't give a fuck about that.  And I know some of you are not happy with me.  You've followed Marti for years and here this pipsqueak of a gal comes in and within a couple of months I get her.  Seems unfair, maybe?  I don't know what to say to you.  I suspect I must know what it feels like to buy a lottery ticket and win the big bucks.  I never expected this.  Don't blame me.

I'm sipping some red wine.  I need it to stay calm but don't want so much that I'm tipsy at 2:00 am or hung over.  I thought about watching some of Marti's porn videos or at least looking through some of the pictures I've taken of her and her tits, but, no, I'll wait for the real thing.  And can I handle it?

A couple of days ago we did Marti's official measurements which the ladies have been doing once a month to update her Agency web page.  In the last month her boobs grew less than they had in the previous nine months while she lost 4 pounds - grew less but still grew.  She apologized to me for so small a size increase - she apologized to me for that!  She said she wanted to be perfect for me, for our marriage.  She would be beyond perfect had she lost half of her boob size much less having a small increase.  Perfect for me!?  What the fuck have I done to deserve this?

I can't sleep, how could I?  I'll go from being a negative "thousandaire" to a positive millionaire tomorrow, but that hardly matters.  I just think about Marti, about, of course, her chest, about her gorgeous legs, about her amazing willingness to please.

This is not a celibate marriage; that was agreed at the moment she proposed to me.  And it goes two ways, though, what the fuck, I was a cock virgin before.  Week after next, when Marti is done with her next whoring adventure, we're going to share a cock together - my first.  I've never touched one before, much less had one inside me.  Fuck, I had never even seen one - except through porn vids, of course - until I watched Marti live as she did a porn vid with Rod and Big Eddie.  You know she keeps lots of cum in her sex refrigerator, right?  She's asked me to drink some with her but I want to take it straight from the cock for my first time.  I will admit, though - when she warms up some cum over her double boiler - I do like the smell.  So fucking sexy.  So, yeah, I can't wait to suck a cock with her and then feel it inside me.

Yeah, I know, I'm rambling.  Six more hours.  My life will change forever.  Sharing her seems so tiny a price to pay.  And she wants me to try some of the other ladies.  It's an idea I'll have to get used to.  It doesn't bother me that she does porn and does her whoring - I knew that going in.  I know she'll need some cock and cum.  I know that there is something between her and Michelle I'll never share - Maria knows that, too.  But I will be so much in love with what I do get; I just pray she'll be so in love with what I can give back.

Why me?  I don't care - it IS me.  And I couldn't be happier.


Niplover said...

May God Bless your marriage and give you both years of happiness!!

Redmagnum79 said...

My dear friend that's all you can ask for of life is to find someone to love you and you love back I've been with my wife for 35 years and I hope you get that to and as for the men that don't look at you it's there lost you sound like a nice lady so that a deep breath and relax and it will all work out and congratulations on your special day

NorthNJMale said...

Congrats on the wedding...hope yall having a blast. looking forward to hear your new adventures.

TheMaskedHillbilly said...

I'll admit there was an instant, a green flash of envy, when y'all announced the wedding, but it was over just as quickly as it began. I just want Marti to be happy.

Fortune favors the bold. Striking out on your own took courage and commitment to yourself. Keep doing what you're doing Roxy, it is obviously working so far.

Slow Learner said...

Heartiest best wishes from the UK! Strangely, I woke at 7am this morning (UK time) and realised that your ceremony was about to begin. I think that we're all itcing to hear how it all went!

David H

Feelgood said...

As a follower from her Tumblr days, it doesn’t matter you’re smaller chested then her (or any of the others). It also doesn’t matter to me and I’m sure many others. If you see this CONGRATULATIONS 🎉🍾

Steve said...

Congratulations on your marriage! I'm glad you found love!

Filipe said...

God bless you both, ladies. Love. Love is all around you

Yojibearra said...

Congratulations on your wedding!

Art said...

Congratulations to you both. U know we all are hoping for wedding pics!!

Consistant2014 said...

Ramblings but soooooooo happy. I love this. You go, Girl, and make every second count !!!! ENJOYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY :-) :-)
I hope the pair of you are happy but - - - - - - I am so JEALOUS of you :-) :-)
J xx

anotheroneofnone said...

Wonderful! Congratulations to you both!

Dragonoake said...

It's pretty clear ow happy you are, and that's really all that matters