Monday, August 24, 2020

Roxy's Wedding Present

One of the best wedding presents I got was from Marti's long time friend, chronicler and now business partner, the ridiculously wealthy Doc.  He's such a sweetheart.  Anyway, Marti has always said he had the more complete record of her photos and videos than anyone else, including Marti herself.  He also is her statistician and has the best count of how many men and women she's had sex with and even an estimate of how much cum she's swallowed.  I love to hear him talk about her and her feats.  Like me, he's a voyeur except he's even more dedicated to it than I; he watches and wanks.  And he saves all his splooge for her.

Anyway, back to what I was saying.  Doc gave me an exact copy of all of her vids and pics, all cataloged and searchable, on a series of several external hard drives and some fancy interface.  He even included a really nice, really fast laptop.  Now I have access to TB after TB after TB of files all for my eyes, and for my fingers to jill myself off as I stare in absolute wonder.  I mean, that's what I do when I'm not with Marti.  I've got several big monitors set up (Doc helped me with that, too) in my room and I can send different files to different ones and be surrounded by Marti and her fabulous body.  It's a miracle I haven't worn my clit and my fingers to nubs!

I like this photo of Marti as it shows almost all of her, including her sexy legs and tiny, lovely, size 5 feet.  The picture's a couple years old.  It would have been taken during one of those photograph me/fuck me sessions she used to have.  I can just picture a half dozen guys standing around her, dicks hard, knowing that after maybe an hour of photographing her they would have free access to that amazing body.  God, I would have loved to watch those in real time - but now I can watch them recorded.

One last thing, speaking of hard dicks.  This will be the week I lose my virginity, in the classic sense anyway.  Marti and I are going to share a cock (her friend and porn star Rod's).  I've never touched a man's cock before and this week I'm going to be with Marti as we wank, suck, and fuck Rod's.  I can't wait!


Redmagnum79 said...

That's great to hear that he gave you all the pictures and videos he has of her as a present for your wedding

NorthNJMale said...

those are amazing gifts and looking forward to hearing of your joint adventures....congrats on the wedding.

TheMaskedHillbilly said...

I can't even imagine having all of her materials, that is an incredible gift! As for your first cock, you couldn't have a better partner for it to happen with than Marti.

Thirstyman said...

Wow, what a present. I would rub myself raw with all that footage. I'm glad Marti will be there to help you with tour first time with a man, it can get awkward but he probably knows what he's doing.