Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Lost in You

 Marti and others tell me I'm a really good writer; I don't know, maybe.  But I'm a miserable failure when it comes to accurately explaining what it's like to be sexually alone with her.  I could throw out words like "awe," or maybe "overwhelming" or "consuming."  You have to be able to drop every sexual or emotional barrier you've set up for yourself if you're going to fully experience her.  Because she does.  You'll need to be able to indulge in fantasy because if you can't separate her from her breasts and treat those breasts as sexual beings in their own right then you'll miss the opportunity to totally experience Marti.  You'll have to abide wonder in your life as you learn the same skin an flesh that make up her breasts can behave and look so different from encounter to encounter and even within one experience as they do indeed seem to live and breathe on their own.  Every time is a new time, a new adventure, a new story with endings familiar yet unexpected.  And it is about the journey; the longer you spend on the journey the better.  Nothing else needs to come inside your time to experience her.  And, if you're a man, then know her mouth is as available to you as her breasts.  Never feel like you're taking too much advantage of her body or her oral skills because she will never get enough of either.  Lose yourself; she will be lost in you.


Feelgood said...

The words!! Obviously I’m part of the “others” in your dealing with your writing

Redmagnum79 said...

It would be my ultimate fantasy to experience her lovely breasts and have a go at that sexy mouth

Joey Fernandez said...

That was beautifully written Roxy!!

TheMaskedHillbilly said...

Her sexual prowess is amplified many times over by her submissiveness, not only to her partner but the moment they share together. As you say she will lose herself in both and be completely committed to bringing the utmost pleasure to all involved, it is an incredible gift that we're all lucky she shares with us.

And you are a good writer Roxy, from what you've shared here shows it and I fully trust Marti's opinion. Believe me finding new superlatives to describe her is tough and I'm only commenting on pictures, so fully experiencing Marti would leave us all speechless I'm sure.

Wookiee42 said...

Roxy, you write very well. Definitely conveys the emotion of what is being experienced.

The thought of being able to use Marti's body as I see fit, showering attention on those breasts, knowing at any time her mouth is just as available as her tits, the knowledge that Marti's desire that you do just that should always be in the back of your mind

Art said...

Roxy well written. You've perfectly described a Marti sexual experience almost exactly like going to an adult Disney World and just enjoying the experience.

Cd4 said...

I know what you mean about running out of words and the ones used don't seem to be adequate for what you trying to express. So I guess it will just have to be repeated..Awesome..

Borny77 said...

This picture accurately describes how my cock feels when I look at those tits, Especially when they are milky! <3

Cd4 said...

She's in her place here..right?