Monday, June 1, 2020

Marti's Massive Melons

Is this a fucking awesome pic of Mom's massive melons or what!?!?!?  Fuck, fuck fuck!

The plan was for her to do a striptease for us, but while Daphne carefully applied makeup to her tits, the rest of us got impatient and walked into the bedroom where Mom was lying as Daphne worked her magic.  As we stared at the huge tits we could see the areolas start to shrink and rotate and the nipples grow in length and girth.  We took a few photos, but we had to have them so soon these tits were covered in hands, mouths and tongues.  Soon she was moaning loudly - she has really become a very loud moaner, which we LOVE! - and it didn't take long for the pussy to start gushing and the milk to start squirting.

I mean, fuck, just look at those tits.  Wouldn't you do the same thing we did?!?


Hank said...

Of course I would!!!

Tremendous Collection Fox-Love 8============D~~(OYO) said...

Oh, Michelle!! I'd do the same and then some. Of course, me with a stone-hard penis and a pair of fully-loaded balls can imagine so many things I wanna do with that soft, sensual body of hers. 8=================================D~~(OYO)

Redmagnum79 said...

I would love to drink from her beautiful tittie's and if I could lick her pussy and drink more from her

Andre Clifton said...

I don't think I would have remembered to take pictures. But yeah. My mouth, hands, and dick would be all over those. And that would only be the beginning.