Friday, May 21, 2021

Backview U

 (After Michelle's last post I figured I had to go on and spill the beans about our new project.  Oh, and yes, that's me in the picture.)

For a couple of years now, Maria has been my producer, publisher, director, and agent.  Even after retiring some 8 months ago, I still get several offers a week to do some sort of porn gig.  Most of those Maria immediately declines but she sends a few to me, probably just to show me people are still interested in me; I usually decline them pretty quickly.

One evening after dinner back in early April, Michelle, Maria, Roxy and I were talking when Maria took out her tablet and, smiling, handed it to me saying she had gotten this offer for me that she herself found somewhat interesting.  I started to read.  After about 30 seconds I was smiling and looked up at Maria and Michelle who were also smiling: they knew what I would say.  Still I took several minutes to read the whole thing then gave Maria's tablet to Roxy.  "I say 'Yes!'" I said to Maria who immediately agreed as did Michelle.  Roxy read the proposal and said, smiling, "Fuck!  That's hot!  Definitely yes!"

And, just like that, I'm back in the porn business.

After we all agreed I looked at Maria and asked, "I have a sneaky suspicion I know who's behind this?"  Maria raised an eyebrow; she wasn't surprised I had figured it out.  "It's Snake, isn't it?"

OK, pause.  You long-time followers will remember Snake (his real name is Simon) as the co-publisher and director of my very first porn movies, the underground "Josh's Mom" series.  He, along with my agent at the time Harry, "discovered" me as a porn actress and nude model.  Snake is long retired from the business, but, now over 75-years-old had gotten bored and wanted to do something else with me.  Thus, this proposal.

Maria then started talking about the proposal, getting more and more excited, popping more into her native Italian as she did, using more and more hand gestures.  Seems she and Michelle were so sure I would accept the proposal that they had already discussed some details with Simon.  Maria would produce it; Simon direct it; and I would star in it.

So, now, my swan song project which I've signed to do for the next four years. . .

Forty or so years ago it wasn't unusual for college fraternities to have what was called a "Frat Mom," or, more officially, a "Housing Coordinator."  I play one such lady who, because of her obvious physical features, her skill at handling the raging hormones of college guys, and her love of her students was kept on at a fraternity even as the practice of having Frat Mom's dwindled.  From the one fraternity my services grew from two then three then picked up a sorority a lesbian women, the four buildings making a "quad" at the college.  (Gail will play the Coordinator at the sorority so I will have some screen time with her and her "girls."  An L cup (Gail) and an O cup (me) together - should be fun.)

Weekends at the frats will be about two things: me performing (dancing nude) for all the guys and them gang banging me.  During the week I help them deal with their problems, big and small, which, of course, includes lots of sexual healing.  (Same goes with the sorority.)  Each fraternity and the sorority will have 40 - 50 members.  Some of the collegians will have ongoing co-starring parts, some will have shorter parts, all will have sexual parts.  They will be signed as freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors and will have the issues and problems associated with their stage at college.  After season 1, the seniors will graduate and, at the start of season 2, a new freshman class will join.

This is not a comedy series; I hope will come across as drama drenched in sex.  The guys' and gals' problems will not be solved each week but will carry through the season or beyond.  Viewers will get to know them, and my other costars.  I've already mentioned Gail.  Dana, the 6'1" red-haired beauty will be my adult love interest.  Michelle will be the housekeeper; Gina, the cook; Ruthie will be my domineering sister (not much of a stretch there); Roxy will make an occasional appearance as my niece, though Roxy's main contribution will be as screenwriter.  Harry and Big Eddie will have reoccurring roles as will Harry's wife Lacy.  Even Maria might get in front of the camera every now and then with her voluptuous body as steamy Italian passion.  I want to stress that this will not be episodic in the sense that story lines will be neatly tied up each episode.  These will be ongoing stories dealing with problems faced by the students and the adults.

I've left the recruitment of the male and female "students" up to Simon, but I will say we've been getting lots of applications.  Simon and Maria screen them looking for acting ability, how they might get along with me, and, of course since it's porn, their cock size.  Those that pass get to be screened by me and by that I mean I have sex with them for several hours to see if we mesh physically and emotionally.  Now THAT has been fun.  Same goes for the sorority girls.

I'll end this bit by letting you in on the series name - there isn't really one yet just like we haven't settled on names for the university or for the fraternities/sorority.  Simon wanted to call it "Fraternity Mom" to fit in with "Josh's Mom," but I didn't really like that.  Simon's plan for the beginning and ending of each episode was a fade in and fade out, respectfully, of me from the back as I begin or finish a weekend dance.  Based on that Gail blurted out: "then call it 'Backview U.'"  We're using that as a working name, for now.  We'll see.

So, anyway, I thought the photo above of me would be perfect to announce "Backview U."  What do you think?


Marti (OYO)

PS: Lot's more to come on this by Michelle and Roxy!


Feelgood said...

Sounds like a great final project!!! For the name maybe “ the MMRM fraternity”? MMRM stands for Marti, Michelle, Roxy and Maria

anotheroneofnone said...


You all are amazing.

Yojibearra said...

Yes! Just friggin beautiful!

Redmagnum79 said...

I would love to watch it just let us know how and when so we all can see you beautiful ladies

Cd4 said...

Fuck. Excuse me. Incredible you just replaced my favorite photo!!

Cd4 said...

Perfect! You've got skills and a very deviant mind. Thank you for sharing..

Art said...

Absolutely incredible. And where can we view this?

Anonymous said...

Holy fuck, that sounds to fucking hot!

Steve said...

I can't wait to see what becomes of this!
Please keep us all posted on what's up!
This oughta be good!
I keep shouting!

Hoochman said...

That is going to be soooo!! Cool .

Filipe said...

this is challenging, original, intelligent, exciting ...Suggestion: could one of the students be a distant RELATIVE?

Wookiee42 said...

Perfect me and the perfect pose. To be able to enjoy these new scenes.. to dream

TheMaskedHillbilly said...

Amazing shot Sexy! All hail the queen of the backview! The project seems like the perfect way for y'all to all work together and show off each of your talents. I can tell you are excited and that's the most important thing to me. It certainly seems to gotten the juices flowing, creative and otherwise.

BigHoosierDaddy said...

Instantly erect, great idea...since I am older perhaps you need a dean of students who will have to investigate so parents concerns ????

Josh Ward said...

Knew I needed to go back to school soon. Where can I sign up at?

thereelguy45 said...

Sounds like the perfect project for you guys to work on. I do enjoy the back view. Hopefully this is something we can subscribe to. Congratulations on finding the perfect project.

Borny77 said...

Does the applications need to be filled out in cum? i've got reserves of the stuff with Marti's name on it.