Thursday, November 25, 2021

So, So Thankful for You

 I'll tell you below the story of this picture of me getting face fucked, but first I want to say "Happy Thanksgiving!" to all my USA followers.  I have so much to be thankful for, but it's important to me that each of you who visit me regularly know how thankful I am for you.  It's an incredible, incredible high to know each of you - from all over the world - take time out of your life to stop by here and enjoy me and my loved ones.  I want to say a very, very special "Thank you with lots of love, kisses, and cock/nipple sucks" to all of you who comment on my postings, if only just occasionally but especially you regulars.  When I sit down with the ladies in our circle for lunch today - Roxy, Michelle, Maria, Dana, Gail, Daphne, Gina, Ruthie, Mandy, Becca and Zin (Vera and Lacy will stop by later) - I've made a list of all of you who have commented on this site in the last three months and we're going to take turns thanking you by your MMMM name.  You really are that important to us!

Now, for the backstory of this photo.  After a day at the studio, I often invite the male non-performers - stagehands, technicians, site maintenance guys, vendors, etc. - to do to me sexually whatever they wish.  I want them to know that the work they do to make my videos and photography sessions a success is as important as the male actors I perform with.  That's what's happening in this photo.  This guy lasted less than a minute in my mouth and throat - he's squeezing out the last drops of cum in this picture - but as he came he practically begged me to let him eat my pussy.  As you can see, my legs are spread for him.  I usually prefer the guys to suck my tits and nipples, but he asked so nicely through heaving breaths that I couldn't refuse.  What's rare in this picture is that there aren't any guys on my tits.  But they soon were, you can count on that!

Marti (OYO)


Feelgood said...

So giving

glassmn said...

Happy Thanksgiving Marti and family

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving, and many more days a stuffing Marti!

Redmagnum79 said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you sexy ladies and how do you get a job at your studio I think I need to change jobs

Anonymous said...


Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

anotheroneofnone said...

At first I thought this was one of your 3D models... How are you so amazing? Thank you for all you give us!

Wookiee42 said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you and all the lovely ladies in your circle!
What a wonderful way to show the crew how appreciated they are!!! Now to get a job on the crew. Maybe I can beat the minute. Maybe

Art said...

Happy Thanksgiving 🦃 Marti to you and the extended family.

Bill said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!!!

I understand where that guy is coming (no pun intended) from as I too, love to eat pussy.

Cd4 said...

My top fantasy fuck position. I to would only last minutes but the second time around could get interesting. There was another time she was in this position with 2 others and "married guy". You should tell everyone that story..

mikshel269 said...

Hope yall had a very happy Thanksgiving

TheMaskedHillbilly said...

I hope y'all had a good Thanksgiving Sexy. Getting to follow your journey through all the twists and turns, meeting your wonderful family along the way has been awesome and I am very grateful for all y'all share.

The photo is amazing but the story behind it takes it over the top, no other job could offer such an incredible perk package.

This may sound weird, and it doesn't really matter, but I am curious which of y'all said my name.

Yojibearra said...

No, it should be I/we who should thank you. For all the random thoughts you allowed us to have about you. For allowing us to be apart of your digital family. For just having the courage to do what you do and staying the course.
For that and more I thank you.

Happy Thanksgiving (belated)