Monday, May 11, 2020

Marti in Fishnet

You will be seeing that I am posting some past photos - mostly recent past but some not so recent.  This one is recent past and was popular on tumblr.  (I could post it as is there since it doesn't show my nipples.)  I had gained a good bit of weight during the latter part of Jake's illness and had dieted and exercised religiously after he passed to help lessen my grief and take the weight off again and firm my body back to where it used to be when I was so active in sports - mostly tennis, kayaking and cross-country bicycle riding.  This was during the process; I had slimmed down some but not to where I am now.  My boobs had gotten considerably larger with the weight gain, but they didn't get smaller as the rest of me did - they even got bigger!


Cd4 said...

Lord yes they did. This is the one where it started. Oh there's fishnet stockings? This is pose upon arrival and the other was regretfully have to go? Memories...
(Are you guys doing emails) Probably busy getting the blog up)

TheMaskedHillbilly said...

I can only dream that you might be waiting for me Sexy, but oh what an amazing dream it is! You definitely rock that net top, pushing it to its limit in the most wonderful way.

NorthNJMale said...

love fishnet clothing...they catch amazing things hehehe

Thirstyman said...

They look so heavy do you have back issues.?

Marti (OYO) said...

Very little, Thirsty. My friend and lover Dana is a physical therapist specializing in women's issues and she has given me exercises to help strengthen my back, neck and shoulders. That's how I met her several years ago; I was starting to have back problems and went to see her.

Marti (OYO) said...

For now, dear Andre, you'll have to be content with being one of only 300 people I still show my body to on the net. At least you get to know it intimately in a visual way.

Marti (OYO) said...

What do you think: did it catch a couple of "keepers?"

Marti (OYO) said...

It was a struggle to pull it over my tits, TMH. Must be some tough fabric!

Marti (OYO) said...

Yes, CD, lot's of memories between you Michelle and I. It's been, what, 10 years you've been following us? And, yes, we are busy trying to get all this organized, but we'll get there.

Andre Clifton said...

It builds the excitement. And I do love the intimacy of being one of 300 to see you