Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Very Important - Your Display (or Reader) Name!

We, well actually me, for the first time just booted a reader from one of the private blogs for leaving a comment that violated our rules.  As Mom has said, I can be a bit temperamental so I have a quick trigger finger when it comes to removing annoying readers.  But you guys have been fantastic so it's only happened once now with the 300 readers.

HOWEVER, in booting the one guy, I realized that had he been one registered without a reader name and thus had appeared as "Anonymous" on comments I wouldn't have known who to block which could have led me to block everyone who didn't have a reader name, which is quite a few of you.

Therefore, with this post, I'm requesting that EVERYONE have a reader name and am giving instructions below on how to do it.  You have until June 1 to do this afterwards everyone who leaves the reader name blank will be deleted from the blog.  It's simple and anonymous and shows us that you really care to be on our blog.

So here's how.  On the Home page click on "Dashboard" as shown below by the red arrow.  (Using MMMM2 as an example but it applies to MMMM1 and MMMM3 as well.)

In the Dashboard, go to "Settings" and "User Settings" as shown by the red arrows in the screenshot below.  From there click on Edit by User Profile, again shown by a red arrow.

That will take you to the screen shown below.  Enter something - ANYTHING - in the display name as shown by the red arrows below.  Once you enter your display name be sure to move to the bottom of the page and click "Update Profile."

You may want to consider your Privacy settings at the top of the Edit Profile page, especially the "Show my profile" check box.  We have it checked but you may want to uncheck it to maintain anonymity.

Lastly, be sure to check the Rules page if you haven't to make sure you don't violate anything that might get you blocked.  I can't stress enough that we love all of you who regularly comment on our postings so please keep doing it or start doing it if you haven't, just don't leave a comment that might get you banned.  We are planning a nice reward for our regular comment contributors.  The screenshot below shows how to get to the Rules page.

I can assure you that by entering a display name of your choosing - and it can be perfectly random if you want - your anonymity will not be compromised.

I hope this change will not cause you any problems.  Please note that if you already have a display name - as most of you do - you do not have to do anything at this time.

And, please, keep enjoying MMMM!
