Thursday, May 7, 2020

Problems Commenting?

I have heard from some readers that they are not able to leave comments, so I dug into the problem a bit with Blogger.  I'm not an expert on how blogs work, but here is how I understand the problem.  I have the blog setup for what is called "embedded" comments, meaning the comments are posted with the photos and can be replied to.  There are other options such as having comments show up as "popups," but I don't think replies are allowed nor is it as attractive as the embed option.  The problem is that the embed options requires what they call "third party cookies" to operate properly.  This means that the problem for those of you who can't comment is actually with the browser you use.  If you can't comment, look into the settings of your browser and enable third part cookies and that should solve the problem.  I use Firefox and things work fine.  I have read that these cookies cannot be enabled in Safari so if that's what you're using you may not be able to comment.  I think Chrome will automatically allow you to comment but Explorer would require you to enable the third party cookies.  So, if you can't comment and would like to, try switching to a different browser.  Alternatively, just email your comments to me at or Michelle at and we will post them for you.  The last alternative would be for me to switch to popup instead of embed.  I may trial that in the future.

Edit:   If you are one of the ones having problems commenting, please email us.  If there are a lot of you out there with the problem we may switch to popup mode.

Kisses, Marti (OYO)

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