Friday, May 29, 2020

Well, Fuck

Well, for fuck's sake.

I've been on Mom for months:  have you backed up the computer yet?  Mom, back up the fucking computer.  Did she?  No.

Her computer - THE computer that runs her and our on-line life - died.  Something about losing connection between the power supply and the battery.  And, no, she hadn't backed up in months.  Yeah, I guess I could've transferred stuff to the computer that Maria and I use, but I didn't so I'm to blame, too.

The good news is that the hard drive on her computer should be OK.  We've ordered some thingy that should allow her to read it onto the new computer she just bought.

So, anyway, until we get things straightened out, there might be some delay in posting and what we wanted to do.  But we're still here.

And, yeah, I still love her, even if she fucked up.



Bill said...

Get an external hard drive and the software to do backups automatically. Saves a lot of grief. I use a backup hard drive and upload to the cloud for extra redundancy.

TheMaskedHillbilly said...

Having had several computers die on me it is frustrating as hell, but as long as the hard drive didn't go out all is not lost. The delay will suck, getting the new computer set up will suck, but once it is up and running it will be awesome I am sure. Have fun and don't sweat the small stuff.

If you must, take out your frustrations on those nipples, I'm sure you will both feel better afterwards.

Andre Clifton said...

Not gonna lie. A little piece of me is laughing at this. I've had similar conversations in the past with close ones. I've also lost books I was working on due to this.

Tremendous Collection Fox-Love 8============D~~(OYO) said...

Ahhh... What a bummer!! Well, this type of shit happens sometimes. In any case, I still have pics of the drawings I did for you both, if you want me to resend or repost them. Lemme know what you'd like. I'm still here for both of you. 8========================D~~(OYO)

SkyFlower said...

There is just something The world over about mother's and computers that don't quite mix 😂

Filipe said...

Yeah, shit happens...but her HD should be ok, I´ve passed through this a couple of times myself...