Friday, July 31, 2020

About RWR (Relations with Relations)

RWR invitations will be going out starting today!  We are making one change to who will be invited: only those of you who have accepted our invitations to TAT will be invited.  We're doing this for two reasons: one is that it just makes it easier on us; the second is because of the sensitive nature of RWR we want to carefully control access.  We will be adding everyone as authors and not just readers so you can tell your RWR stories or relate your RWR fantasies (especially if they include us 😉😍).

Just be sure to accept your TAT invite or let us know if you're having trouble accepting the TAT invitation.  We will be copying and pasting the TAT authors into RWR and sending the invites out.  If you haven't requested to be involved in TAT or RWR or if you have and we somehow overlooked your request you can either comment on the this post that you want to be involved or you can email Roxanne at .  Membership is limited!

We're looking forward to telling our stories at RWR!



Feelgood said...

Can’t wait!

Tremendous Collection Fox-Love 8============D~~(OYO) said...

Hey, Michelle. I finally found the invite that you sent me but it looks like it expired. Could I get any of you to send another one? Thanks.