Monday, September 7, 2020

A Nipple Selfie and All the Changes


I took this photo of my breast after I had been sucking the nipple for awhile.  I guess the tit was a bit too close to the camera and got overexposed.  Still, I think it makes an interesting contrast with my leg.

Since Michelle spilled the news of changes in her last post - is that a hot picture of her or what?! - I thought I would go ahead and explain what's happened and is happening.  I'll start on the professional side. . .

The "adult entertainment" business of which I am the CEO and largest owner has been very successful since Tyler and I kicked it off last October with near exponential growth, especially since February.  It's a relatively small studio but growth attracts investment and that's what's happened.  Last month I was on a virtual meeting with Tyler as well as the CEO and Board Chairman of the Agency I work with.  Tyler, whom I trust explicitly as a businessman, did the talking.  After thanking and congratulating me for building such a profitable, professional, and innovative studio, he added: "But, Marti, as a manager you suck, and I don't mean that as in a good blowjob."  I was shocked at the criticism, but I also knew he was right.  My love of this business is being in front of the camera, not behind it.  I thought I would enjoy running a business, but I don't.  My priorities were becoming erratic, calls were being ignored, money was being managed poorly.  Talent was eager to work with or for our studio, but I was delaying contracts and interviews.  Tyler and the others were spot on - I sucked at running a business even if I had done a great job at starting a business.

So here was the deal they wanted to offer me: they wanted to combine four businesses into one and they wanted me to step aside as CEO of my studio - with a very generous "golden parachute" attached.  They did want me to stay on as an advisor and, most importantly, performer.  They then explained the plan.  An investment group the three of them were leading would buy both my studio and Harry and Lacy's and combine them into one under a president to run their production assets.  I would keep my investment as part of the new company though Harry and Lacy would be completely bought out.  The third business was one of the most prestigious "escort" businesses in North America that has been run for years by a woman who goes by the name Midnight (I don't know her real name).  When I say prestigious I mean this company owns three small jets to fly their girls around North America for their "appointments."  When I asked what the fourth business is, Carl, the Chairman, spoke up.  "You!" he said.  "You'll be a one person performance business - you've earned it.  We don't think you'd fit Midnight's business though you'll utilize her assets [which includes use of the jets as necessary].  Just do the appointments you've already established [meaning my "escort" jobs already booked], do a few live shows maybe and keep doing your photo shoots and movies with the production side of the business.  But I'd like to suggest something new for you.  Cam your life.  You like to show people your body and you like to fuck.  Just do it on cam so our clients can watch.  I think you'll find it extremely lucrative and fun.  Perhaps your new wife can help with the logistics of it, aiming cams and the like."

I've written about it before; I used to be a cam whore on ifriends 15 years or so ago.  While I enjoyed the camming for guys, I quit because the other girls on their were so competitive for every dollar they became nasty.  I quit and told myself I'd never do it again.  But Carl's suggestion was a new twist I'd never thought of.  Have all the sex I want and broadcast it live for the Agency's clients to watch.  I was intrigued and excited.

But one big question remained before I agreed to all of this: what about Michelle and Maria?  Tyler answered: "We're very impressed with Maria.  We think that with you as her adviser she would make a wonderful president of the combined studio, of our production business!"  I teared up with joy and thankfulness.  With Maria running the business, I knew Michelle, Gail, Ruthie, Dana, Daphne, Gina, Mandy, and the guys I had grown close to would all be fine.  I asked about Harry and Lacy.  Harry, now in his mid 50's was retiring from management and would do a few things in front of the camera.  (Yes!  Love to fuck Harry on camera!)  Lacy would stay on as female talent management.

I agreed to the deal as Harry, Lacy and Midnight were already on board.  I got Maria, Michelle and Roxy into my office and on a meeting with Tyler.  Maria was stunned, and tearfully happy which, of course, made Michelle tearful and happy, too.

So that's the professional change.  As I write this I am sitting on a bar stool by a high table wearing a short skirt, heels and an open blouse as Roxy moved the cams about, one focused on my left breast, one on my right, one on my legs, and one further back showing all of me.  Seven different guys have been watching the cams and I can hear the hot comments.  It is sexy as fuck.


Now, about changes to our blogs. . .

We've sucked at this lately, haven't we?  The graph below shows the viewership of our four MMMM private blogs over the last four months or so: 

This is not good; we - especially I - will take the blame.  Michelle, Maria, Roxy and I have talked about this and we've come to a decision.  We are going to make the original MMMM blog public again but with comment moderation which will hopefully prevent some of the shit that happened on "Marti and Her Big Mature Tits."  In order to post more often, we will not write as much as we often do on our photos.  I may even start posting some of my old videos!  MMMM1, MMMM2 and MMMM3 will be shut down.  We will keep TAT and RWR private and we'll use them to post our more inner musings.  (Yes, we know, we haven't much of anything on RWR and many of you are still having problems getting in - we'll try to get that corrected and will be posting on both RWR and TAT again very soon.)

Another reason to make this change to go public again is that we have some 400 requests to join the private blogs.  Let's face it: many of you had problems getting in and we had to send several invites before it was successful.  If we do that for the 400 who want in we would be spending all of our time trying to get viewers in and not post a damn thing.

When we make the change we will delete some posts to try and stay OK with our new business partners.  Most of our posts will stay but some will go so you might want to download them if you want.

I think that's all I'll say for now but more details on our professional lives and our new blogging will follow.  Not sure of the exact date we'll make the switch but we'll let you know.  It will be soon.

Would like to know what you think about our plans for the blog.


Marti (OYO)


Feelgood said...

Happy you’ll get a bigger and better studio/company and we’ll get videos now!!!

NorthNJMale said...

Great news in the merge of your company, sounds like it will be lucrative and successful. Looking forward to the changes and new content up soon. Hope y’all having a great Labor Day weekend

Filipe said...

All great news and, hey, you ladies passed through a lot of changes...we can wait, no worries


mikshel269 said...

Congratulations to Maria she truly does deserve it. And I will always follow wherever you journey takes you,although it is nice not having to worry about fly coach for work trips

Andre Clifton said...

This is great news for you all. Especially Maria. So proud of the work you all have put in. I know I haven't been active lately but personal stuff came up. No matter what I'm going to support you all. So I will stay downloading what I can now. Love you all and take care.

TheMaskedHillbilly said...

First, yes it does make for an interesting contrast against your nicely tanned leg. Any shot of your awesome nipples is a great shot, sometimes its all about content over composition.

As for the changes, it sounds like you'll be able to do all the things you enjoy without the rigors of being in charge which should be a big relief. And knowing all your people will be taken care of I know makes this possible for you.

And changes here and the other blogs are inevitable, whatever has to happen to keep things moving forward. You know I'll be here Sexy.

Will said...

Love those incredible nipples

Cd4 said...

I've always loved your passion but you still haven't figured out you can't do it all. Getting overwhelmed is something that because of your popularity sometimes as a group it becomes more than you can do alone because you love that personal connection. Again you've earned the position you find yourself in now and it's really time reap in fruits of your labor and enjoy life.. Congrats on your promotion. Looking forward to the upcoming changes.

Marti (OYO) said...

You're right as usual CD. I do keep thinking I can do it all but I never do. Will I ever learn?

Tremendous Collection Fox-Love 8============D~~(OYO) said...

Thanks for the update. I'm still eager to get my spot in the site. I know I haven't been as active on here as I'd like. (Been dealing with some health issues.) But do know I haven't forgotten about you nor will I ever. How could I forget a woman who has made such an impact on me and my cock?!! 8============================D~~(OYO)

One Savannah Scorpio said...

We appreciate the update - that's a lot of change to cover. I'm glad it addressed some confusion I had about the blogs' recent activity, after the late-Spring roll-out.
The re-organization got my attention, as a CPA. Sometimes to move a business forward, we've got to switch seats on the bus, and match-up the talent with the needs. It sounds like no hard feelings arose and the new duties are appreciated all-around.
I'm thrilled to see peaks behind the curtain, like this. You ladies seem to appreciate us, and we're undoubtedly grateful for all the personal touch of these blogs. I'll participate in whatever public & private media you ladies enable me to.

Erik the Viewing Squid said...

Personally, even though I have been absent myself a bit, I'm glad to come back and see that everything seems to be changing for the better.

On the business side, it's actually a great move and could lead to some bigger things as you plan to retire in the near future. On the blog side, it's great because it means we can see even more of your and everyone's loveliness. The comment moderation should help keep out any negativity going forward.