Saturday, September 19, 2020

Areola Play

I got in yesterday evening from my "whoring adventure" as Roxy called it - three nights spent with four guys who fucked me and sucked my tits seemingly nonstop.  I was greeted upon return by most of the ladies of our penthouse floor group: Michelle, Maria, Roxy, Dana, Gail and Gina.  Mandy was away filming on location as was Ruthie.  Ruthie still gets nervous when she is featured on a video so Daphne went with her to help her with her confidence.  The ladies who were there were eager to see the video of my whoring adventure so I put in on the big monitor and, after we watched the four men go after my body like ravenous beasts, they put their plan for the evening together.  My top quickly came off and Dana lifted my heavy right breast almost to my face.  "Remember," she whispered to all of us there.  "Just fingertips and just the areola."  Soon a fingertip from each of the six ladies plus one of my own were gently exploring my right areola, dodging my hardening nipple, circling my rising Montgomery bumps.  The conversation, as well as the stares of each of us, alternated between what was happening on the video and my areola.

I am very fortunate in that my areolas are highly erogenous and sensitive, though not quite as much as my nipples.  When my nipples are stimulated, my whole body feels it which is why I cum so quickly and so often when my nipples are sucked or masturbated.  When my areolas are stimulated, the feeling stays mostly on my breasts.  I don't usually cum but the sensation on my tits is incredible erotic and primes me for huge pussy-gushing orgasms when the attention goes to my nipples.

The photo above shows the result of the play and how you never know how my tits will respond.  The nipple became thicker than usual and, surprisingly, the areola didn't shrink and wrinkle like it normally does but stayed wide and turned more red than brown.  Some of the Montgomery bumps became larger than usual and more formed on the bottom side of the areola than the top which is backwards from how it usually goes.  But perhaps the most unusual thing was all the bumps that formed on the skin of the breast itself; you can see them especially below the areola and on the left side; the camera's flash whitewashed the ones of the right side.  I think you can see from the expression on my face that I was very happy with the result!

They decided that the first person to suck the nipple, which would almost immediately give me a fantastic orgasm, should be - me!  When they popped that nipple in my mouth and I felt it's width and hardness with my lips and tongue and when the nipple felt itself inside my mouth my cunt spewed it's contents and I had an amazing orgasm.  I had no intention to stop sucking so the ladies moved on to the left breast and their fingertips on its areola while I treated the right breast to everything my mouth could do.


TheMaskedHillbilly said...

I'd love to perform any number of experiments like this on you Sexy! All part of my study of you and especially your unbelievable tits.

Feelgood said...

I wonder what would happen if only guys were to do this to you? Anyways this is a GREAT mental image!!!

Niplover said...

All I can say is OMG.......... It so wants to be sucked and now my cock is now rock hard!

Thirstyman said...

I don't blame you, if you put that big nipple in my mouth I would cum too.

Romi said...

What I would give to be part of that adventure!!! So incredibly hot

Will said...

Damn, I love those nipples!