Saturday, September 24, 2022


 Dana and I got together this morning and agreed we needed to shut down Studio M for the upcoming week due to probable Hurricane Ian.  So tomorrow (Sunday) we've asked all who can make it to come and tie down everything at the Studio - a task we hope to complete by noon Monday.  That should give all employees and contract folks time to get things ready with their families for probable landfall early on the 29th.  Michelle, with regret, has also closed down her time with her 200.  She had hoped to go 100 straight days with them but - safety first.  We let everyone know today.

We do have three safe places.  One is our great friend Doc's house which is super fortified against hurricanes and where we've stayed in hurricanes past.  As some of you may remember, for a few years he owned the house Michelle has been using and he fortified it as well.  Plus, he practically demanded we hurricane "proof" the main house here at our property.  Neither of the two houses has large trees within falling distance even though the properties are heavily wooded, so we should be OK.  Most of the ladies will be staying in the main house with some in Michelle's house while several of our men will stay at Doc's.  Others will shelter as they decide with their families.

So that's the bad news.  The good news is that we should have more time - if we don't lose power - to post here once we've done all of our preparations which should be Tuesday.  Hope you'll keep visiting us, but if we lose you for a few days starting Thursday you'll know why!


Marti (OYO)

(PS: We'll free up someone to post here through Monday, too.)


TheMaskedHillbilly said...

Living on the coast it never really gets easier so I'm glad y'all are being cautious and taking all the necessary steps to be prepared. Stay safe and look after each other.

mikshel269 said...

Hoping all stay safe.

Art said...

Marti just be safe and do what you need to do. We will always be here for you. 😘😘

Feelgood said...

Just stay safe, no injuries

anotheroneofnone said...

Best wishes!

Wookiee42 said...

Stay safe all!

glassmn said...

Please be safe. We will be here upon your return.

NorthNJMale said...

hope you guys are all safe and sound and this storm passes by quickly and no major damage is done. Please be safe and let us know when the storm passes and every one is safe and sound.