Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Michelle's Back View, Too!

 In case you remember this pic, I posted it about this time last year but removed it - along with some other photos from this site - due to contractural or other reasons.  Time has passed and I can bring it back now.  Oh, yeah, almost forgot to tell you that is my back view - hopefully you'll find it a bit "like Mom, like daughter"'ish.  I've slimmed down a good bit since then, but not in the boobs department!

We do endeavor to post, on average, one pic a day, but, yeah, we fall behind.  Mom has enough adult movie offers to have her filming 24/7/365 for the next ten years with years worth of requests for photo shoots as well.  Maria and Roxy screen everything which, along with their day jobs guiding Mom's (and others' including mine) career - for Maria - and writing every script - Roxy.  (Mom won't perform in any movie unless Roxy has either written or rewritten the script.)  Plus Maria arranges all photo and film sessions and serves as the lead photographer for Mom while Roxy is Mom's assistant in all her performances.  I guess what I'm trying to say is that Mom's, Maria's and Roxy's plates are very full, especially with the filming of "University of Marti" starting next month.

What all that means is that I am doing most of the posting here, at least for now and, for the next month, my hands are VERY full, in more ways than one.  And that's all about Gail - which will need a different post.  So we've asked one of the other ladies in our extended sex family to help us keep up with postings here.  Who?  I'll let her answer that.  The only hint I'll give is that it isn't Aunt Ruthie (she'll be the first to admit that she's no writer), it isn't Daphne or Becca (too shy), not is it Vera (too new).  So with Mom, Maria, Roxy and myself already contributors, that leaves: Gail, Dana, Gina, Mandy, Lacy, and Zin.

Who do you think it will be?


Feelgood said...

I get that you can’t post “everyday” but I love that you at least try (by you I mean Michelle, Marti, Roxy and even it seems sparingly Maria). I think Zin will be the newest writer/post-er(if that’s a word)

TheMaskedHillbilly said...

It is an awesome photo Michelle, the backview is an incredible angle to show off just how massive your tits are! Of course it also gives us a view of your hot ass! As for who will be filling in, I'd appreciate any of their input, I'm sure they each of a unique perspective on everything.

anotheroneofnone said...

I don't understand how any of you spend any time not indulging in each others' exquisite forms.

Sure, I'd starve, etc., but it'd be worth it.

Anonymous said...

A perfect build, you are a sexy lady.

Wookiee42 said...

One of many amazing pictures of you Michelle. Marti's life sure is full in many ways it seems! Can't wait to hear another one of the women's voices here!

Cd4 said...


Bill said...

All I can say is "OH FUCK"!!!

Art said...

Michelle is gorgeous and the genes definitely show, beautifully 😍

One Savannah Scorpio said...

SO GLAD this one returned! ... particularly the thin, white strings extending across your curves, Michelle.
I can't quite make-out the background, but the leaves, sand, and lines of sunlight take my mind to a tropical island. A beach where anything goes (unlike mine 12 miles away). A brief victory I like collecting at beaches is the public hard-on's I get, when asked to apply sunscreen to a woman's shoulders, back, and legs. This special pic of Michelle helps me imagine a beach trip with her. And we have a wink-wink challenge to apply sunscreen all over the other's body, totally intending to turn-on the other. No kissing, no reaching inside. But wholly spreading, fondling, squeezing, and whispering filth to the other. Undoubtedly, I'd be hard as a rock giving and receiving.