Monday, September 6, 2021

The Calm Between Two Storms

 I took this photo of Mom (well, primarily her huge right breast) a few years ago toward the end of her several-times-a-week photograph me/fuck me gatherings.  This was the prime of these sessions; in the beginning she would have maybe 6 - 10 guys at a time, but near the end that number swelled to 30+ and she would have at least two sessions a day, sometimes three.  These things came to a rather abrupt end when Jake became ill and she focused most of her time on what he wanted.

Oh, but those latter sessions!  I was fortunate enough to usually be one of the videographers during these things.  They would always start off with Mom wearing some little something then stripping it all off, giving the guys plenty of opportunity to take whatever photos they wanted.  And then the sex would begin - and I'm talking no-holds-barred kinda sex, face (especially) and pussy and ass pounding, multi-penetration, handcuffs and ropes, breast slapping and sucking, milk squirting, pussy gushing, cum shooting in her throat, non-stop hard sex.  Sometimes I would feel as though I needed to tell the guys to go a little easier on her, but I knew she was getting exactly what she wanted.

This photo was taken in between a morning and afternoon photograph me/fuck me session.  She and I were sitting on the edge of the bed; she wanted to talk about what to wear to start the next gang bang.  I'm looking at her (well, her breasts mostly) and thinking "She's just been fucked crazy with 50+ loads of cum shot in her mouth and throat and she's about to do it again and yet she seems so natural, so calm, so serene."  And just knowing that was so fucking hot.

I bent over, took a long suck on her nipple, then talked about what she should wear. . .


Anonymous said...

So suckable,love the pose! Marti you are the best.

Sean89 said...

Just beautiful would love to experience the joy of those lovely breast

Wookiee42 said...

Wonderful! This photo makes you want to elicit the response that you know this nipples are capable of!

TheMaskedHillbilly said...

It's a great shot, I can't imagine not looking at her tits when they are out. Even when you see them everyday, they just demand attention. As for what she should wear, y'all know I'm rather fond of her black leather skirt myself.

Feelgood said...

What a time to take a picture!😈😈

Art said...

Just so fucking beautiful 😍

One Savannah Scorpio said...

Michelle, I imagine your focused filming occupied your hands and mind, during those sessions. But possibly offered hundreds of the hottest sights anyone has ever locked into their memory. How many times were your own panties soaked, when you exited those rooms and secured the cameras?