Monday, August 30, 2021

Deserving Attention

I was able to get away from Zin's tongue and fingers long enough the other day to attend Mom's photograph sessions.  (Zin is fucking insatiable when it comes to my pussy and clit; that gal spends hours a day scuba diving between my legs!)  This was another outdoor session by this private pond.  The late morning session had Mom posing under a nearby huge live oak tree while the afternoon session was at the pond's edge.  I was able to grab this photo with my phone just after the second session ended at around 3:30 in the afternoon.  Most nude models would get dressed and hurry of the location when shooting is over, but not Mom.  She leisurely sat - topless! - on a nearby picnic table and struck up conversations with the photographers, assistants and onlookers.  Very few of the 40 or so people there left; most gathered around her to talk to her and ask her questions or just gawk so more.  Most of the questions she got and usually gets concerns what it's like to live with "those things" on her chest.  She never gets tired of talking about them even though she been asked some of the questions many times.  And she always laughs naturally at some of the jokes about her tits even though she's heard them many times.  "Though I get the same comments and questions all the time," she would say, "they are said differently with different words, different tones, different looks in their eyes.  It's never the same and each person deserves my attention and honest answers whether they are the first to ask me something or the hundredth.  Besides, they like the attention," she would add looking at her tits, looking at them like everybody else did that day - including me.



Art said...

Those tits are just incredible 😍

TheMaskedHillbilly said...

I'm not sure I could come up with anything original to say to her about her tits either so her patience when it comes to comments is yet another reason she is the coolest chick I know. Even having watched them grow to their current, mammoth proportions they are jaw-droppingly impressive and absolutely deserving of every bit of attention they draw.

Wookiee42 said...

I'm fairly certain I would be in far to much awe just being in their presence to say too much at all. And Michelle you seem to have a very fun problem to have. Good luck and stay hydrated for Zin!

Yojibearra said...

Beautiful breasts and a nice photo.

Michelle said...

HAHA @ Wookie. Stay hydrated - too funny!

Feelgood said...

Michelle has a great life and Marti being Marti

Cd4 said...

Have you guys ever used nipple pumps? That probably would be crazy and even imaginable on second thought that's a really stupid idea to deny yourself to do it naturally..