Sunday, August 22, 2021

Serenly Happy, Serenly Trusting

 Serenely happy; serenely trusting.  That's how Marti is during her photo and video sessions these days.  She loves sharing her gifts with as many people as possible, whether through photographs, films or in person.  With her ever-increasing bust size and her rapidly growing nipples, the studio executives are pushing for more and more photo sessions and solo or girl/girl light porn (breast play) vids and less and less hard core porn.  Another way to put that is by saying they want more of her body and less of her sex skills figuring putting her in a room full of men takes away from the focus on that incredible body of hers.  Marti is truly happy doing what they want, as long as Maria approves and Michelle and I concur.

I took this photo of Marti at the beginning of a photo shoot with a half dozen photographers.  They were discussing lighting (Maria makes the final decisions) which obviously wasn't right when I took this.  Marti, for her part, was supremely relaxed while chatting nothings with me even while the photographers and their assistants buzzed about her "amazing body" (their words) and how to best capture its stunning glory.

I'll close by focusing on her nipples (maybe you've focused on them, too! 😀).  This is their normal size these days.  During the session, she let them grow, roughly doubling in girth and quadrupling in length leading to a truly remarkable and unique display.  Her serene (that word again) smile and friendly desire to give the photographers what they wanted just added to the sexuality of the event.



Anonymous said...

I'll bathe and play with them for hours

Anonymous said...

Focusing on her nipples is an understatement! They are hard and ready to be played with. Marti, did I every mention how incredible sexy you are??????????

Feelgood said...

Amazing shot of Marti’s nipples!!!🤩🤩🤩🤩

TheMaskedHillbilly said...

She is absolutely incredible in every way. Her more than ample bosom, topped with those remarkable nipples are matched only by her giving attitude and willing demeanor. Her being happy with what she is doing is the most important part so hearing of days like this one is awesome.

Cd4 said...

I never take my eyes off them..

Art said...

Just gorgeous 😍

Wookiee42 said...

What a great shot! Showcasing one of the marvels of our world. And as long as she's happy it's fantastic