Wednesday, January 18, 2023

31 Months Later

 This photo was first published here back in June of 2020 just two weeks after meeting Marti.  (The post is here.)  I had just accepted a job as her personal assistant - the job Kaatje has now - and had no idea, no HOPE of ever being Marti's wife.  I pretty much considered myself a nobody when I met Marti through Daphne and now I feel on top of the world.  I love my job, I am confident not only in my skills but in my looks, too.  I was a 22-year-old shy thing back then, but I feel like a successful, happy, fulfilled, successful woman at 25.

All because of Marti and that chance meeting with Daphne.  As a writer I often build characters and plots on "what if" scenarios.  And I can't help but think of that big "what if" in my life: what if I hadn't gone to that trade show - I didn't want to - and had never met Daphne?  Then I smile to myself, because I did.


Feelgood said...

I remember that picture, thank G*d you went

TheMaskedHillbilly said...

Definitely a classic shot Roxy. Call it fate or luck or whatever, life is all about the what-if scenarios and how we react and respond to them, trust yourself, so far you're doing amazingly.

We get to see the shots that don't quite meet the high standards of Studio M, I'm curious if you'd ever share any of your writing. I've really enjoyed reading your posts over the years and your ability to tell a story is obvious. I would very much like to read longer format stuff from you too.

Wookiee42 said...

The best things in life can come by doing something we didn't want to really do! So happy you found Marti and all the other ladies

Art said...

Life is like that, the random event that suddenly makes your life better or worse. We all have them. You are so lucky to have had this major one work out so well for you (and to be honest, for us as well).😘😘