Saturday, February 5, 2022

"Dana's Play"

 Hey, it's Dana.  I recently convinced our Agency's management and Maria - as Marti's agent and ad hoc studio manager - to allow me to produce MY own video series.  I emphasized the word "MY" for a purpose; I have complete control over everything in production (though I do trust and accept Maria's filming and lighting expertise), but the main thing I have control over is Marti and her body.  Essentially I consider this my chance to indulge and explore my strongly dominate tendencies.  It's important that my dominance over Marti in this is complete and total and that and I started with that from the very beginning: I discussed the idea with and got approval from Maria, Michelle and Roxy to do this and never consulted Marti herself.  We all knew Marti would love the idea of this and jump excitedly into it, but her having no real choice made her submissiveness just that more complete.  And I have always found the huge differences between Marti's body and mine to be extraordinarily sexy and I use it.  That, of course, is my skinny little body and red hair behind Marti and her huge tits.

These videos are what Marti would call "flicks" in that there is no plot - just me dominating Marti - though each filming has a theme or maybe I should say focus.  For instance, Michelle took the picture above during a cut in filming as Maria and I discussed some aspect of the action.  This particular film focused on the size of Marti's tits but I forbade her to get those fabulous nipple hardons until near the end: this was strictly about the size of her tits, sometimes in comparison to mine.

Marti is not allowed to speak; she is not allowed to express an opinion; moaning is allowed, even encouraged.  These films are about me and Marti's body, nothing about Marti herself.  Her only job is to show her body to the cameras and to me as Maria and I dictate.  We don't talk to her; we talk to her body indirectly.  "Those huge tits should be hanging and those fucking arms are in the way."  That kind of instruction.  A flick lasts an hour and usually takes around 2.5 to 3 hours to make.

We film these flicks - we call the series "Dana's Play" - in the large studio in our building.  That particular setting has a stage and stadium seating for up to about 60 people.  We film "Dana's Play" before a live audience - all male and all by invitation only, usually around 25 guys.  I hand pick the audience from porn studs, vendors, and WFMC members and I invite guys I know are naturally dominate and rough in their sex; it also helps if they are guys that routinely save their cum for Marti.  After filming is complete, they are all invited to fuck the hell out of Marti and feed her their cum, either straight from the cock or from the jars of stuff they've brought, but under my management or the gang bang.  It's the final way for me to exert my dominate side.

Marti is not allowed to talk about "Dana's Play" at all, not even when we're all alone at home.  It is mine and mine alone and what's in her head about it doesn't matter.

Sounds a bit cruel, I know, but that's dominating sex and that's what's hidden inside me - most of the time.  And though Marti isn't allowed to say anything or to express anything about it I can tell in her happy attitude afterward or when some of the other of us talk about it that she is loving every fucking minute of it!


Feelgood said...

Dana, you get hotter and hotterπŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

TheMaskedHillbilly said...

Complete and total control over a sexual goddess, talk about a dream come true Dana! Tapping into her submissiveness so deeply that she cedes all decision making to you must be exhilarating. I'd definitely like to witness one a Dana's Play session, even if it didn't end in a gangbang. That it does is incredible.

Hopefully we'll get more updates about this series, I know I'd love to read more about it. And if it means getting to see more of you, even better.

Wookiee42 said...

Ok. That's fucking hot. The use of control and dominance to turn a person into jautba series of body parts for viewing or using for your needs only. What a hell of a trust exercise as well. The depth of a relationship that allows for such a situation.

What I wouldn't give to be among the audience. Regardless of the chance to have Marti, to witness you be in utter control would be divine

Niplover said...

Hot! Love to see those flicks.

Andre Clifton said...

I love the idea. I bet the videos will be even hotter.

Redmagnum79 said...

Damn how do you become a member so I can watch it in person it sounds sexy as hell

Art said...

Sounds fantastic. How do we get to watch?