Tuesday, February 15, 2022

OMG, What a View!


I hope you're not thinking "Good grief, not another Marti back view photo."  But I love them and think they're extremely sexy and in some ways show just how enormous Mom's breasts are compared to other views.  Oh, and using the imagination to see the view from the front sends the mind - and hormones - racing.  And there aren't very many ladies on the net where you can take this view from her back and right and still see so much of her left boob; it's a testament to just how huge they are especially compared with her relatively thin body.

But there's more than just a view, there's also a fun back story (emphasis on "back") to this.  Most of Mom's photo sessions and nearly all of her videos take place either somewhere on our studio property, at one of the houses we own, at Doc's house, in hotel rooms, or on other property owned by our studio or a partner studio.  (Fuck Marti Island not included.)  This was an occasion where a very wealthy couple who are also members of our Agency offered there fabulous beach mansion to us as a setting.  This was only one of maybe a half dozen monster homes the couple owned, but this one was within a comfortable driving distance for us.

It was an early morning session meant to catch Mom framed in the rising sun over the Atlantic Ocean.  To get to the home in time, being some 2 hours from our house, we left at 2:30 in the morning to make sure we were there by 5:00 am.  As always, Maria was in charge and Roxy and I were there to help out as 15 other photographers and several assistants gathered round.  The homeowners, confessed Marti fans, were also there; a handsome couple in their late 50's I would guess, comfortably but obviously very expensively dressed.

We started the photo shoot around 5:45 and it was going wonderfully until after the sun was up.  That was when a professional disagreement on the physical direction of the photography began and the session temporarily halted.  Mom, Roxy and I, having full faith in Maria's decision on the matter, went to talk to the hosts.  Mom, standing there wearing only undies and heels, had the couple staring wide-eyed and slack-jawed at her body pulled a typical Mom thing when she noticed two plants hanging in a window that needed watering and asked if she could water them, which she did and which is when I took this photo.

Maria, usually adamant in her artistic opinions, decided the other photographers were right about the position of the cameras relative to Mom and told us it would take some 20 minutes to move stuff so we took the owners up on their offer to show us some of the house.  After about 15 minutes of touring the spacious and gorgeous home we ended up in the large master suite, a room lined with windows and a balcony overlooking the Atlantic.  We heard Maria call us saying they would be ready in 5 minutes, so we thanked the couple for the tour and, for about the fourth time, for the use of their home for the photo session.  There was a brief pause and we stood there somewhat clumsily - I mean who wouldn't with Mom standing there mostly nude and those giant tits and long nipples hanging out - when Mom, who seems to instinctively know these things, asked the couple if they wanted to feel her tits.  The wife, especially, gave an enthusiastic "OH YES!" and approached Mom, the husband taking pictures with his phone.  When the lady was beside Mom, she stopped and said as she looked down at Mom's tits: "I've never touched another woman before."  "I am honored to be the first," Mom replied arching out her chest, offering the tits.  The woman lightly touched them then slowly lifted one of them gasping at its weight when Maria called back up saying they were ready.  "We'd better go," Mom said but softened the moment as she reminded the lady their would be some time after the session where they could resume what they had started.

And, indeed, at the end of the session, we went back to the bedroom and the lady then got a proper time with Mom's tits, her husband photographing the whole thing.  Soon Mom's nipples were in her mouth and the lady slowly began to lose her composure to a sexual frenzy.  But, too soon, it was time to leave for the two hour drive back and a video session Mom had that afternoon.  Mom offered to get with them later in the week to finished what had just started when the husband reminded his wife that he had to be back to his office (somewhere up north) by the day after tomorrow.  "But," he offered, smiling, "You can stay in Florida for awhile."  The lady was bubbling with excitement when Mom made a date to meet her with Roxy along as well.

I'll save that "date" for another post.

And, by the way, I'm still dripping as I look at the photo above.  I hope it's having a "hardening effect" on you guys!



Feelgood said...

Your hope is right 🤩🤩🤩 and that couple is sexy!!

Art said...

Incredible "back" story and a perfect picture to match 😍

TheMaskedHillbilly said...

This might be my new favorite back shot of her, just an incredible shot Michelle! I really dig the view from behind, would be awesome to get one from below her, showing off her ass at the same time.

The story is another scorcher too, Marti's ESP coming to the rescue once again. I am a bit curious if the husband took advantage of the opportunity at all or if he just watched his wife enjoy the most amazing tits ever!

anotheroneofnone said...

Mpre than hardening. I'm dripping, too.

Andre Clifton said...

I need to think of a first that I can share with Marti. The experience would last a lifetime.

Wookiee42 said...

What a lucky couple! And what a great thing they did letting you use their home. Band god damn is this back pose ridiculous hot!

Niplover said...

As always sooo HOT! Love the narrative, adds more to the mood, and now I too am Hard.

Cd4 said...

They seem unreal..but I know better..