Wednesday, February 23, 2022

"Sit, Stay"

 Hey guys, this is Dana writing.  We were at one of Marti's photo shoots recently.  As we were waiting for Maria and the other photographers to get set, Marti sat there on a bench all coy and proper - as if she could really be coy and proper in a dress that tight on tits that huge.  I wasn't going to have any of that so I pulled down the top of her dress - well, almost.  The top ripped a little and the tits didn't come all the way out, but what the hell.  I told her to "Sit, stay" as I just stood and stared and, well, took a few photos with my phone.  Maria forgave me for ripping the top of the dress but I don't think Daphne was too happy!


Art said...

Dana, excellent instincts. That's an amazing picture of Marti. 🥰

Wookiee42 said...

Given that dress, I would have made the same decision

Unknown said...

Beautiful tits 😍

TheMaskedHillbilly said...

Awesome shot Dana! Just look at those huge fucking tits! WOW!
Exerting your dominance in perhaps a possible scenario for a future Dana's Play. Marti prepped for and only expecting a photo shoot but instead all the photographers and their assistants are the chosen audience for that session. Everyone watching as you take charge of our sexual goddess and it dawning on her what is actually in store for her.

Feelgood said...

Can’t make everyone happy but I’m guessing you made a lot happy 😃😃

Niplover said...

Innocent? Your tits could melt any man/woman Marti. What a HOT presentation, you are one sexy lady.