Friday, June 4, 2021

Very Excited Breasts

Sorry we missed an update yesterday, but Michelle's birthday gift of sharing Marti's tits with us stretched from Wednesday into Thursday and we - Michelle, Maria and myself - have decided to keep it going through Sunday.  We've got a lot more to write about this week, but, right now, we are so happily exhausted - physically and emotionally - that I have to cut this short and grab a few hours sleep before we tear into the tits again in the morning.

I chose this photo to show you because it is a bit illustrative of what we've been enjoying the last couple of days.  (This photo is not from this week, but it works.  We decided not to take any photos or videos as it would detract from our laser attention on the tits.)  Of course, you can't help notice the nipples in the picture, but look how the right areola is raised deeply wrinkled; the left areola is catching up but is only raised around the edges.  Then notice how the growth in the nipples and tightening and shrinking of the areolas are drawing the skin of the tits in towards themselves.  Now imagine these things - nipple length, raised and shrinking areolas, tightened breast skin - tripled: that's what we're seeing this week!

Fuck it, if I don't stop writing about them then I'm going to have to go play with them some more and I really need some sleep to be ready for Friday.  Dana is supposed to come over and do her monthly measurements of the tits.  Michelle and I both agree they've undergone another growth spurt from the return of her lactation and the excitement of "Backview U;" however, in this super-excited state those tits are in this week, they might actually measure smaller since they're so tight.  We'll have to get Dana to measure sometime next week to get a more accurate cup size.  But, one thing's for certain, Dana will measure the longest nipples she's ever measured!



Unknown said...

Absolutely beautiful would like to help with the lactating

Art said...

Just incredible and absolutely beautiful

Feelgood said...

Always with great words

TheMaskedHillbilly said...

Another awesome selection Roxy, she has the most incredible nipples I've ever seen on any size tits. Pairing them with her mammoth mammaries is almost not fair, I say almost because her willingness and enjoyment in sharing them balance the scales.

Cd4 said...

It looks like you guys have gone down the dark road of Lustfull sinners. You've become titsacholics and the addiction to the nipple is like a drug. We'll see you on the other side bit I hear it takes several days to recover. So jealous..enjoy the journey.

thereelguy45 said...

Any picture of her nipples is a masterpiece! If I were to be able to latch on to her nipples. I'm not sure I could stop to take a break!😘

ASkelly said...

I'm sure you'll give us the updated measurement when time allows.

Andre Clifton said...

The way the areolas shrink as Marti gets excited always turn me on.