Wednesday, July 27, 2022

A Very Free Spirit

   Hey guys, Emily here with my first bare breast picture.  I'll let you decide about the bod cause I want to point out a coupla things here.  I'm a "whatever goes free spirit" kinda chick which Marti encourages me not to dampen and Dana asks Lin as my manager and lead photographer, Roxy and her two associate writers, and Daphne, July, Wendy and, again, two others in the costume/makeup department not to discourage.  So I go with whatever flows with me at the time and sometimes my input has the others shaking their head in "she'll never learn" mode and yet while smiling.  I tell the ladies what I feel like and they help me get there.  So, here, yeah, I know, the deep lilac undies (and robe which I had shed at this point in the photo session) certainly doesn't go with my reddish-orange fingernails (and toenails if you could see them).  My heels were beige.  Go figure.  The second thing I wanted to point out is this: my boobs are like Marrti's before she underwent the incredible breast growth over the last 3+ years or so.  By that I mean most of my size is in their width and not in their depth so Lin would discourage the kind of pose I'm doing here since it doesn't accentuate the size - so I did it anyway.  (Besides, it hides my bit of a tummy.)  She agreed it wasn't too bad 😏😉!

(PS:  That's my real hair - I usually wear wigs cause I enjoy them.)


TheMaskedHillbilly said...

Hot damn Emily! What a great shot, I don't see anything wrong with it. I think the colors play together well enough. Kinda makes me think you chose nail polish to compliment what you would be wearing over those sexy lace panties, so seeing the two colors together would mean you're undressing. And when you are as wonderfully built as you are that is a very good thing.

It is awesome that Marti encourages your free-spiritedness, being able to be yourself on and off set is important. The only word of caution I would have is to still listen to and consider the other girls' opinions. Everyone wants to feel like their time and efforts are respected and appreciated.

Feelgood said...

Emily, looking hot!! 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩

Wookiee42 said...

Everything in this picture is pure sex. The purple lace just makes that amazing ass pop! And of course your breast(s) are so beautiful! What amazing curves! Would love to just trace those lines with my fingertips. That would be heavenly.
I'm super glad that they are letting you follow your spirit! It must make you feel amazing being supported by an exceptional group of women! Helps build your confidence in hot yoursel and your body (I would be damn proud of my body if that was mine) and your natural hair is nothing short of superb.

Steve said...

What a woman! Cute butt too. 😍

Redmagnum79 said...

Damn your sexy and I love that pose next time turn around so we can see your beautiful body

anotheroneofnone said...

How do any of y'all even exist?

Andre Clifton said...

The angle does not take away from the size. If anything it makes me want to see more angles

Art said...

Emily, you go girl! It all works and you look fantastic and I'm definitely wanting more 😘😘

Bill said...

I'd ogle those tits from any angle or pose. They go nicely with that ass!!!