Monday, August 29, 2022

An Emily Oops

 Hi - this is Vera writing about this photo of Emily.  Since she posted on me, I'm posting on her.  We've (all of us) decided we're going to post each other and tell something funny, endearing, quirky and/or insightful about each other.  With Emily, funny - or maybe crazy - is easy to find.

I think someone wrote here that Studio M bought all the other studio buildings on this property - we referred to them collectively as Studio ABCD.  Buildings C and D were demolished to expand M.  Marti wanted to keep buildings A and B for nostalgic's sake (she had made hundreds of videos in A and B was the old office building) so we did.  During Studio B's renovation, Emily insisted on doing a photo shoot in one of the almost completed rooms.  Lin begrudgingly agreed - "It's Emily being Emily" she muttered.  So we hauled a small bed and a few curtains into the ugly, unfinished room and the session went on.  However, the bed, being little more than a cot, was quite small and in the middle of posing, Emily fell off.  Well, kinda, she caught herself with her left hand and continued posing like she meant to do it though everyone there knew different.  And thus you get this picture.

We've written here several times about how clumsy Marti can be - she can't see her feet over her tits after all - but I swear Emily isn't far behind.


Feelgood said...

Emily seems to be taking after Marti, a real pro🀩🀩🀩

Wookiee42 said...

Ok. I'm in love with this photo! The pure enjoyment and surety to play it off and continue! And good God is Emily's body fucking superb!!! I'm biased I'm sure as I'm a big fan of women with natural curves (belly and all) the hang of the tits because that angle. Somehow it's even more erotic

TheMaskedHillbilly said...

Just keep letting Emily be Emily, it's working wonderfully! This photo is awesome, her big boobs beautifully stacked up, her pink plaid bottoms, most of all her soft, super sexy body.

These little tidbits, the fun and crazy stories from behind the scenes are always great to read.

Art said...

Looking beautiful Emily. I'm loving how your tits look in this particular pic. It may not have been planned but it's pretty spectacular. 😘😘

mikshel269 said...

I would not have minded at all to be under to help stop that fall

Bill said...

Nice pic!!