Friday, August 5, 2022

Emily's Shoes

 Tag, Emily, you're it.  As Dana posted Lin and Kaatje's legs then Emily posted Dana's, so I'm (Zin) posting Emily's.  I wonder who will post mine?

Anyhoo, Emily and Dana are our two shoe-aholics.  Maybe Emily even more so than Dana as Dana sticks to heels whereas Emily will go for any shape or color as seen in this photo where she's trying to figure what shoe looks best with the fuchsia outfit.  As somebody wrote recently, most of our clothing budget is spent by Daphne, July and Wendy as our costume/makeup department.  But we all get our own personal budget and the more each of us are in front of the camera the higher our budget.  I'm thinking Emily spends 75% of hers on shoes!  But with such shapely legs, who can blame her?

OK, who's doing my legs?

(PS: Can you spot the five pair of shoes in the photo?)

(PSS:  Maybe we should call this "Fibula and Femur Friday?"  Yeah.  It's a strectch.)


NorthNJMale said...

black pair on the ladder
black pair being worn
silver in the corner of the mirror and pic
green pair next to silver ones
white pair against the wall

also...awesome legs...great thighs and calves....muy caliente

TheMaskedHillbilly said...

Another amazing shot, great idea Zinnia to keep the chain going! Hopefully, y'all all get your sexy legs shown off.

There is the strappy sandals(1) Emily is wearing, a pair of silver pumps(2), the green lace up booties(3), the black pumps in the mirror(4), and my favorite the white babydoll platforms behind her(5).

Wookiee42 said...

Sorry..there's shoes here? All I can see are some amazing curvature on display. Gorgeous calves and thighs I would gladly die between!! Just to be able to trace my finger across those lines and curves.. could probably die happily after that

Feelgood said...

I only counted 4 for a few minutes until I read the comments 🤦‍♂️

mikshel269 said...

Zin, Emily legs are very sex indeed. And I wasn't to distracted though to see it 4 and a half pairs. Reflections don't count

Art said...

At first I thought that NNJMale was completely correct but if you look carefully above the step where the black pair are on the ladder, is that another pair there, just barely peaking out? And yes, Emily, great legs! 😘😘