Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Marti's Clumsy Moment

 Let's add this photo to the many "It's So Marti" pictures we've posted here.  There were maybe a dozen photographers and same again as many assistants in this large living room for a Marti photoshoot.  She comes out in this frilly gown and the session is going great.  When she finally pulls the straps down and let's those wonders of the human form out the room is filled with either gasps or silence of respect for the view.  That is until Marti let's out a plaintive "Help!"  She had gotten her hands stuck in the straps!  Kaatje was to her side in a second, but the laughter broke the ice and the session went forward with more gaiety.

Marti just wouldn't be Marti without a clumsy moment or two.  The fact that she accepts it, knows it, and laughs along with everyone else is one of her endearing traits.



Art said...

Clumsy or not, I would always cut Marti some slack. THE TITS, as amazing and beautiful and gorgeous as they are are a load for anyone and if our Marti gets her hands caught up in a dress strap, I'd be right there to help her. 😘😘

TheMaskedHillbilly said...

Awesome shot, Marti being Marti is what has kept me enthralled though the years. Of course, watching the development of THE TITS has been intriguing, to say the least, but knowing the heart they protect is as full of love as they are of milk just amplifies their wondrousness.

Anonymous said...

Big and beautiful tits

Wookiee42 said...

Clumsy and sexy! And THE TITS!!! What a beautiful color that you were all caught up in as well!!

Feelgood said...

I love she laughed at herself, makes Marti more human

mikshel269 said...

That's our Marti, whether filming a scene or in a photography session, The Tits may be the focus, she still can bring a light hearted smile in any situation.

Mammas_Sun said...

You;re Unbelievable,,,

Mammas_Sun said...

So, you like erotic comments, well I have a few of those in my back pack... provided upon request ;)