Sunday, August 28, 2022

Vera and Emily's "Rivalry"

 I (Emily) just had to post a photo of Vera before I signed off this morning.  Vera and I started modelling for Studio M at about the same time and each of us have taken a bit of time to establish ourselves and our followings.  As such, we've developed some friendly competition, often feigning jealousy of one another.  Well, apparently, one of the new ladies didn't get the memo and word got to Dana that Vera and I were always arguing.  Dana, of course, did "Da Boss Lady" thing and called us both into her office just to make sure the rumor wasn't true.  Vera and I laughed it off but Dana reminded us that, even though she knew Vera and I were good friends, some of the newer ladies may not and for us not to let the girls just starting out think that rivalry was OK.  "Yes ma'am."  We still joke with and at each other, but not in front of others - if we can help it.

It's pretty obvious from this photo - and I love the mirror shot - just how slim and stacked Vera is, much more of a classic model than I am.  I've got some extra curves.  So together I think we make quite a pair - or maybe a pair of pairs.  We've done a few girl/girl videos together and, I can tell you, I kinda lost myself in the passion over her body!


TheMaskedHillbilly said...

You have a great eye for sexiness Emily, all the photos you posted this morning are fucking amazing. This shot of Vera really does show her off perfectly and the mirror shot means its twice as nice.

I'd imagine being called to Dana's office is no walk in the park but damned if I wouldn't enjoy being a fly on the wall in there. Knowing the dress code for y'all at Studio M, it would be a sight to see.

mikshel269 said...

Emily thank you for all your posts.inam glad that everyone gets along as well as they can. I can imagine a microcomos like Studio M can't be all happy and get along all the time. But I like to think any small tiffs are quickly squashed

Art said...

Emily, beautiful and yummy pic of Vera. Excellent choice. She has a gorgeous rack and the mirror effect is spectacular. 😘😘

Feelgood said...

Have you two done a photo shoot together?🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤

Wookiee42 said...

Feel-good is right! You should do a shoot together! Show us the dual beauty attack! And friendly rivalry is a great thing, can make you both strive to be the best you in the situation!!! And a hella great picture.btyat mirror angle is super!

Bill said...

WOW, nice bod!!