Tuesday, August 23, 2022

The Magic of Miss Emily

 An important part of my - it's Dana writing - job as General Manager of Studio M is to keep all of our talent happy, be they in front of or behind the camera.  But the person who has assumed that role when we're home is Emily (that, of course, is her in the photo).  Sure, Marti's body is central to us all and Gail sees to it that the property and people are well taken care of, but Emily makes us all laugh and smile and makes us all so very comfortable with each other.  It's something she brings to her professional life as an erotic model as well.  Photographers and other professionals simply love working with her and seek her out.  Her photo shoots and videos often take longer than our other ladies because she gets everyone laughing with her off-the-wall observations, intentional over-acting, and typically self deprecating humor.

It is that winning personality of hers that makes her ever more sexy than she is physically - which is extraordinarily sexy by itself.  Imagine those remarkable curves on such a lovely lady that can make your brain as happy as her sexuality can make your body happy.

No wonder we all love her!


Wookiee42 said...

What a great combination! Ultimately sexy and a wonderful infectious personality!!!

TheMaskedHillbilly said...

Wonderful photo choice Dana, you do an awesome job showing off the women of the Marti-verse. These posts that give us little peeks inside the world y'all have built are some of my favorites. Of course getting to see all of y'all is amazing but getting to know the personalities and characters of Studio M really does amplify the sexy factor.

Thank you for all the work you put in here on top all you do at the studio.

Art said...

Gorgeous, simply gorgeous. 😍

Feelgood said...

I’m positive I would love to work with her

Bill said...

Laughter is and can be very sexy. After all, sex should be fun.

mikshel269 said...

Thank you for the great pictures and stories you post.i am so glad to hear everyone's perspective on life at Studio M