Thursday, March 24, 2022

Little Oral Michelle

Sorry I haven't posted more about my (yeah, it's Michelle writing) 10 days with the BO10 but I've been so busy with them - as shown in the photo - and when not enjoying cock I've been so tired that I go right to sleep when we break.

The week has surpassed wonderful.  This photo sums it up pretty well.  I've got a big cock in each hand getting them ready for my mouth and throat when the one in my mouth is finishing blowing its load.  Look at the suction I'm applying as this monster fires a huge shot into my eager mouth.  I'm making sure I get every last drop out of it as I don't want to waste any.  And, WOW!, are these guys ever performing!  I guess I'm averaging between seven and eight loads from each one every day!  There's always hard ones available when one finishes.  And every drop goes down my throat.  Even they can't believe how hard they're getting and how full of cum they are so soon after shooting their load.  It's totally fucking awesome!

For this week, the guys supplied me with lots of sexy outfits to wear for them, complete with some really nice costume jewelry, shoes, and even some wigs and different perfumes.  I've added changing makeup and nail polish to add to the different looks.  I'm not as good as Mom in changing my personality to fit the wigs and outfits, but I can tell you the the redhead me is the most aggressive while the white haired me is the most passive but mature.  The blond is the most energetic while the brunette, my natural color, is the most me.

Last night we went at it until 4:00 am.  I laid down and slept for a few hours then woke up horny thinking about the previous day and the day ahead.  I'm going to try and get a bit more sleep now so I'll be ready and rested for the hot rest of the day!

As my Maria would say,



Feelgood said...

Keeping Maria in your thoughts and the B10 guys in your mouth 🤩🤩

Art said...

Michelle just so fucking hot!! Just be careful you don't dislocate your jaw. 😘😘

TheMaskedHillbilly said...

Shots of you displaying your amazing talents are always appreciated Michelle.

Wookiee42 said...

My God the suction you're putting into it! No wonder they can all keep cumming hard for you all day!

Bill said...

Hot as always!!!

Andre Clifton said...

What is little about this? I'm glad you are enjoying it. I'm sure the gifts you receive this time will reflect how much they appreciate your talents.